I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning once again. But I did get out of bed and in time for one hour of P90X, Legs and Back. Not enough time for Ab RipperX so I did that after work before my 4.5 mile run.

I starting to wonder what’s going on with my sluggishness in the morning. At first I thought it was due to being off of my usual schedule for a week due to travel. But I have been back on track for a week now and should be getting enough sleep. I’m wondering if I am not eating enough calories. I think I am but since I am not measuring them I am not sure. I also feel as if I have plateaud with my weight again. This is Soooo CONFUSING!! Oh well, I am not going to stress about it too much. I’m sure it will all work out.

Till next time… bring It!!

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