I decided to sleep in today. I stayed up too late the night before and just could not get up this AM. So when my alarm went off at 5AM I reset it to 7AM. The scheduled workout was supposed to be XStretch. I was going to do XStretch in the AM and then do a second workout of CardioX in the PM. Since I slept in I decided to skip the scheduled XStretch and just do the CardioX. I am a cardio junkie lately.

So right at the beginning of CardioX, when Tony says "Let's start out by warming up with a little light rope jumping" and goes through the motions without the rope. I decided to get fancy and pull out my real jump rope and do the real deal instead of warming up with a little faux rope jumping. I should NOT have done that. On the first or second jump I came down wrong and tweaked my right knee a little bit. Not horribly bad, just a little tweak. So now I'll have to baby that knee for a couple of days. I need to listen to and trust Tony. Warm up mean WARM UP, not go crazy!

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