Day 77 was a rest day and I actually did rest and took the entire day off. I
was traveling to Florida and it
took most if the day to get here so it was a good day to rest.

Day 78 - I put my workouts on my Zune so that I could do them while at the
hotel and it worked perfectly during the Day 78 Upper Plus workout. This hotel
has a great workout space and I was able to complete this workout perfectly.
One thing that I had to modify was the ab workout. I was not able to get
Abs/Core Plus on my Zune before I left so I had to substitute it with Ab
RipperX which was already on my Zune. Later in the day I went on a nice run
along A1A.

Day 79 did not go as smoothly. This was supposed to be a Plyometrics day and
my plan was to do it in the hotel's aerobics room. It was perfect for Plyo. I
checked at the front desk and they said that I could use the room and I would
have it to myself until 9am. I got
started at 6am and got 1/2 way through
it before people started coming into the room at 7am.
Ugh. There was a 7am yoga class that
the front desk forgot about. So at least I got 1/2 way through Plyo. I finished
up with a 25 minute run along A1A.

My diet is going well. This hotel is more of a spa and has many healthy choices
on their menus.

I hope next week in D.C. goes this well.

Till next time... Eat Clean and Bring It!


I thought that I was going to have to miss this workout or run instead but due to a snag in my travel plans I was able to get it in. And by “it” I am referring to today’s KenpoX workout.

I love that workout and today did not disappoint.

Well, till next time… Bring it!

Today was Upper body Plus and Abs/Core Plus. Awesome as usual.

Later in the day I ran 5 miles.

My posts my be a far and few between over the next few days. It’s vacation time!

Till next time… Bring It!

Merry Christmas! I splurged and went off on my Clean Eating today. The Christmas dinner was great, and not too far off of my diet, but the candy and cookies I had today was way off. And I even had a Coke at the movie theater. I am starting to realize that the cookies and candy are never worth the splurge. I never feel too great after eating them. It’s just not worth it. And a quote I once heard keeps echoing in my head, it goes like this. “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” That quote is sooo true. For some reason I must learn that lesson over and over again.

Speaking of thin, I hit a new low weight today. I weighed in at 167 today. That’s a 27 pound loss from my 2008 high of 194. And it equals a 17 pound loss from just 54 days ago. I really need to check my body fat .

I ended up doing my YogaX late in the day, at about 2pm. I felt FANTANSTIC during Yoga. I really felt strong today. Then immediately following YogaX I did and 45 minute run. I hope I did enough to offset the bad I did today.

Well, my will is going to be tested over the next two weeks. I will be out of town for the majority of the next two weeks. If I come home weighing what I do now I’ll be happy. I must stick to eating good healthy food and I’d like to get in my two workouts a day for as many days as possible.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Day 72 was off to a slow start for me. I am on vacation and slept in later than usual so I ended up working out later in the day. I hate when I do that because it messes up my entire schedule. About an hour after doing the P90X Plus Interval Plus workout I shoveled the driveway for an hour. Then a couple hours after that I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill.

Today, Day 73, I woke up early and did today’s Total Body Plus workout. It went pretty well but I felt a little weak. I think that I didn’t eat enough yesterday. Later today I will get me second workout in. Probably 3 – 4 miles on the treadmill.

Till next time… Bring it!

I am on vacation this week but still woke up early and did today’s Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout. It was a great workout as usual, nothing significant to note.

I did some shoveling as a nice light midday workout.

Then later in the evening I did an easy 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.

Till next time… Bring it!!

Today was a day off from P90X so I ran 5.5 miles on the treadmill today. Felt great. I’m averaging 20 to 25 miles a week on top of P90X Plus. Bring It!!!

Day 68 was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus for me. The workout flew by and I felt great afterwards. I got my second workout in at 4:00 pm (4.5 miles on the treadmill) but took it a bit slow today. In the evening I went to a Christmas party and splurged a bit. I planned on splurging so I ate low cal and low carb all day in preparation. The things that I ate off of my diet were pasta, a piece of white flour bread, breaded chicken and one beer with 1 1/2 glasses of red wine. Oh yeah, and 4 little toffee bar desserts. I must say that I enjoyed every bite that I took.

Day 69 was Kenpo Cardio Plus and I still like KenpoX better. I ate a low carb breakfast today and a low cal lunch. I’m still making up for last night. I’m getting ready for my second workout of the day, a long treadmill run.

I don’t feel guilty about last night. I was in control. I planned for it. And from previous diets I know that I can have a splurge meal once a week and still lose weight. Right now I am averaging one splurge meal every 30 days. Not bad.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!!

Today was YogaX and I slept in a bit late. I still had time to do 1 hour of YogaX though and it felt great. I had to skip the Warrior 3 sequence, Royal Dancer and then had to cut it off all together after Plow. I am feeling really strong and fit lately.

I had a great 4.5 mile run on the treadmill as my second workout of the day.

And… I reached a new low with my weight, 170.5. YES! THAT feels good. Almost below 170. At one point in 2008 I was at 194, so I’ve lost 24 pounds!

Till next time… Eat Clean and bring It!

I rocked Total Body Plus this morning. Really awesome workout.

I have done double workouts (4 mile treadmill runs) every day for 5 days straight now and decided that I would take today off from running and do some snow shoveling instead. I miss running. That’s OK, I’ll get my fix tomorrow.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Plyometrics was the workout of the day and as many times as I have done that workout it surprises me that it is still a butt kicker. That being said I still love it!

I am feeling REALLY good lately. Is it the Clean Eating? Is it the double workouts? Is it both? Who cares. The bottom line is that I feel awesome.

Till next time… bring It!

Today I did the P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout. I felt really, really great this morning despite a lack of sleep. I expected to feel very weak this morning and was surprised when I was able to up the reps and/or weight on many exercises. It was an awesome workout.

This afternoon I did 4.5 miles on the treadmill and felt really strong during the entire run. Maybe 5 1/2 hours of sleep is all I really need.

Till next time… Bring It!

I played chef Doug yesterday and made two great Recipes. Tony Horton’s Sticky Bars and Dr. Andrew Weil’s Banana Bread. Both awesome and healthy.

Today was Kenpo Plus but I have been alternating between that and good ‘ole KenpoX and today was a KenpoX day. I really like that workout a lot and today was no exception.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

This was an interesting workout this morning. It was P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/core Plus. I felt a bit weak this morning but I concentrated on “bringing it” and was able to increase reps in a few moves and go up in weight in a couple.

And to my surprise I lost another pound today so maybe I am getting ready to break through my plateau.

Till next time, Eat Clean and Bring it!

I felt great during today’s YogaX. This is probably one of the best YogaX workouts I have ever had. I felt strong throughout. And the tight tendon in my left hand that was bothering me yesterday was fine today. Gone.

But… I can not say the same for my second workout today. I went for a treadmill run in the afternoon and my legs were dead. I plodded along at a VERY slow pace for 30 minutes and ten gave up.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Total body Plus was the workout of the day and I can’t say enough how good it feels to have worked out. My motivation was lacking a little bit this am but Tony has a knack for motivating people. Before I knew it the workout was over.

I had a LOT going on at home yesterday so I skipped my run for the day and took the afternoon off. I look forward to running later this afternoon.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Getting a good workout in is such a great way to start the day. I feel great. Today was Interval Plus and Abs/Core plus and boy was I sweaty. After my workout I was mopping up the sweat from my nice rubber workout flooring and thinking how good I have it. Many people that do P90X do not have as nice a workout space as I do. And I feel for them. I can’t imagine working out in a bedroom or carpeted family room. All that sweat going into the carpet. Yes, I know I am strange and I think of strange things.

I think that I may be at a plateau. My weight has not really moved much lately. I guess it’s time to start looking at portion control and maybe eating less carbs. Right now I am eating clean and that helped me lose a quick 13 pounds but now that may not be enough.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring It!

Recovery week is over and on to P90X Plus Phase III. Today was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. My legs still have DMOS but it’s getting better. I really wonder why P90X Plus is so light on the leg workouts. And I think that it is very mean to practically ignore legs for many weeks and then throw a Leg workout in during a recovery week. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!

I’m not too sure what was going on with my appetite this past weekend but MAN was I famished! I felt like I could eat and eat. And I did. At least I ate healthy food. It’s just that I was hungry all weekend. Maybe it was the 3 hours of shoveling this weekend? And it appears that due to eating and recovery week that I gained a pound or two.

I’ve been eating clean for 37 days now. And feeling GREAT!

Till next time, Eat Clean and Bring IT!

Today was P90X Plus YogaX. I struggled a bit during this workout today. For one, my legs were suffering from major DMOS from yesterday’s Legs and Back workout. The second issue I had today was a wrist/tendon issue. It’s my left wrist near my thumb and when in Downward Dog it hurts a lot, although it did get better 1/2 way through the workout. All in all it was a great workout.

My clean eating is going well but I still feel as if I am stuck at a plateau of sorts. My weight is not really changing much. I must keep better track of my body fat to see if it is changing.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring it!!!

Today was another P90X Plus recovery day workout, Legs and Back. P90X Plus is a little light on the legs in my opinion and that belief was proven to me today. I could tell that I have lost some strength in my legs during the past 54 days of P90X Plus. My legs were like rubber after this morning’s workout. But on the positive side, I did increase reps on many of the pull-up exercises.

I did a second workout after work yesterday and am getting ready to do a second workout again today. Four miles on the treadmill in both cases.

Also, I wrote yesterday that my weight had not changed in 4 or 5 days so I was happily surprised to see that I had dropped another pound today. Awesome! Clean Eating is paying off.

Well, till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Today was an interesting workout. I’m so used to doing YogaX on Thursdays and the predictability of it was getting a bit boring. So when today’s P90X Plus workout deviated from that routine with XStretch and Abs/core Plus I was happily surprised. It was a nice easy day, much easier than YogaX. After work today I will run on the treadmill for 4 miles or so.

My clean eating is going well but I’m starting to think that I’m eating too many carbs in the form of rice and potatoes. I need more fruit and veggies. My weight has not changed in 3 or 4 days and I feel that I have hit a plateau. If my weight does not start dropping soon I will have to change something soon.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Today’s P90X Plus workout was Shoulders and Arms and I love that workout and had a great workout this morning. Although I am still sore from Monday’s Chest and Back workout I still felt strong and ready to hit it hard.

Not much to say today. I feel great. I just wish I was about 10 pounds lighter! Guess I’ll have to get on the treadmill after work today.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring It!

This is this first day of P90X Plus week 8/recovery. The workout was Chest and Back and I happen to like that one a lot! It was good to spend some time with this old friend this morning. It’s been awhile since I have done this one but it still felt great. And I increased reps in some of the exercises but lost a few reps in others.

Today is day 30 of my clean eating challenge  and I feel fantastic. I’ll probably post some before and after pics later tonight. I didn’t take very detailed before pics but I think that you’ll be able to see the difference.

For the next 30 days I will do something similar but this time I will allow myself a glass of wine or a scotch every couple of days. It’s purely for the heart related benefits of course. ;o)

Finally, I thin about becoming a Beachbody coach everyday. I wont be able to put this off and one day real soon I will have to take the leap.

Till next time… Bring It!

Once again, a rest day where I chose to pass on the rest. I decided to do a 45 minute run in the treadmill instead. It felt great. I’m feeling incredibly good and getting leaner and leaner everyday. I am so grateful to my Mother and Sister for introducing me to P90X because with P90X and clean eating I am now in the best shape of my life. I feel great. And if you happen to be reading this and contemplating doing P90X… JUST DO IT!! You will not regret it.

P90X Plus recovery week next week and I’m looking forward to it. The P90X Plus program actually mixes in more of the regular P90X workouts during the Plus recovery week. I miss those good ‘ole workouts so they’re a welcome change.

Till next time… Bring It!!

Today, unlike the past 2 Saturdays, I did Kenpo Cardio Plus. I had been substituting KenpoX for Kenpo Cardio Plus for a couple of weeks now because I felt like I got a better workout doing KenpoX. But this week I decided to give Kenpo Cardio another chance and although I believe it’s a great workout, I still enjoy KenpoX much better. Maybe I’m just not coordinated enough for Kenpo Cardio, I never was very good at learning dance steps, and some of the moves in this DVD require some coordination. Like “The Gladiator” move. I don’t think I’ll ever master that one. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, I just like the original KenpoX better. It’s longer, I sweat more during it, the moves seem more applicable in the “real world” (not that I’d ever really try using them in a fight.) I just like it. So I will probably do KenpoX most of the time and occasionally do Kenpo Cardio when I get a bit bored with KenpoX.

I got a double workout in again today. About 4 miles on the treadmill. I’m feeling great but I realize that I need to watch out and not burn out by overdoing it.

Till next time… Bring it!

Wow, I must have really “brought it” during yesterday’s YogaX cause my quads are sore TO-DAY. It’s been awhile since I was sore the day after YogaX. I can feel it in my legs and abs. I must have been dogging it lately.

Well, yesterday was Thanksgiving. A splurge day for me. All in all I don’t think that I caused too much damage. I did great until noon. Ate low carb, low cals, etc. Then after noon I had some drinks (alcohol), and at 3pm I pigged out on Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, 1/2 a sweet potatoe, green beans, home made cranberry sauce and two pieces of pie. One of which was accompanied by a small serving of ice cream. An hour later I had 2 Twizzlers and a Coke. After about 4:30 or 5 I drank nothing but water and did not eat again until I went to bed.

I must say, I did feel a bit “yucky” when I woke up this morning. Not terrible, but not great. Bad food and drink may make you feel good momentarily but it makes you feel bad in the long run. I wonder how long it will take me to REALLY learn that lesson and give up this crap FOR GOOD? I’m looking forward to getting back on the clean eating challenge today.

Today was P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. I felt really good and increased reps on many exercises. Those extra calories from yesterday may have helped a bit. I'm looking forward to workout # 2 after work today.

Until next time… Bring it!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today marks the 200th time that I have done the P90X workouts. I started started P90X 303 calendar days ago. Not bad.

I woke up fairly early and did my YogaX workout. I felt GREAT! Stronger and more flexible that I have in a long time. I attribute this to my clean eating challenge and consistently working out. I can’t express how good I feel right now.

I will splurge today. I’m trying to lessen the impact by eating low carb this morning because I know I will be eating things like stuffing and pie later.

I also hit a new low weight today and don’t want to sabotage my success.

Well that’s about it. But before I conclude this post I must say that I am very thankful today. Thankful for my health, for my great family and friends and their health. And when I say that I am thankful for my health I want you to know that I do not take that lightly. I am so blessed that I can get up every morning and workout without pain. Many of my 40 + year old friends and family can’t do what I do. Many due to joint or back pain or lack of fitness. I love the fact that I can roll around on the ground like a child, do push-ups, pull ups, crunches, run, things our bodies were meant to do. I think about how lucky I am often. And I’m thankful to Tony Horton for sharing this life changing gift with us all. Thanks Tony!

Till next time… Bring It!

I’m now 1/2 way through P90X Plus. Woo hoo! I think I need to skip the second workout today though. I was feeling a bit off during today’s P90X Plus Total Body Plus workout. I increased reps on some exercises but fell way short on others. I think I need more calories and a night off of the treadmill. More calories will come tomorrow when I have my splurge meal Thanksgiving day. I’m on day 25 of my clean eating challenge and from the beginning I had planned on splurging on Thanksgiving day. I don’t think I’ll go crazy, and we prepare food in a pretty healthy way anyway, but I will have turkey dressing, I will have a piece of pie, and I will have a couple glasses of scotch.

I got the first newsletter from my new coach (Coach Michelle) and it’s great. She’s doing an awesome job so if you’re new to Beachbody and looking for a Coach, or have a coach that you are not happy with, contact Coach Michelle!

Till next time… Bring it!

Plyometrics was the workout of the day and it’s still a killer. According to my log I have done P90X just shy of 200 days now. Not in a row, just 200 times doing a P90X or P90X Plus workout. And even though I have done PlyoX that many times IT IS STILL a killer workout! Wow, love it.

I hope to get my second workout in after work but I have some stuff going on and may have to skip it. Sniff, sniff.

Hey, if you’ve been following along I mentioned in last Thursdays post that I was feeling like I was coming down with the cold everyone in my family had. And that I was hoping some clean eating and a little YogaX would chase the cold away. Well guess what. Last Thursday was the only day I felt cold symptoms! This reminds me of my P90X Day 44 post from March 18th of 2008 – Granny’s cure for the common cold!

Finally, I am seriously thinking of becoming a Beachbody coach. I’m just trying to get more info about it now. I’ll be ready early January but I need more information. So I’d love to hear your thoughts! If you’re a coach please tell me you experiences with it. Are you making money at it? How long did it take to make money? How hard is it to do? Do you have to solicit all your friends? Cause I hate that.

Till next time…Bring It!

I was a little off track today. I had to have blood drawn at 7:00 am for a cholesterol test and decided not to do my workout before the test. I read online that working out before a cholesterol test can raise your level by as much as 15 to 20 % for an hour or so.

So I did my scheduled Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout after work. It’s been awhile since I worked out in the afternoon but in the past it always seemed that I had more energy in the afternoon. Not today. I felt strong on some exercises but was a couple reps shorter than normal on others. All in all a great workout.

Yesterday I was visiting a good friend of mine that I had not seen in awhile. To my surprise he had P90X sitting on his shelf. He’s just getting started but it’s great that we will have this in common too. P90X seems to be taking the country by storm. I monitor Twitter using a service called , they send me an email anytime a tweet contains one of my keywords. By watching words like P90X, YogaX, KenpoX and Tony Horton I am able to see how often those words are tweeted. And they are going in popularity every day. Very cool!

More good news! I found, and was assigned, a new awesome Beachbody Coach – Coach Michelle

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was rest or X Stretch but I felt that I needed some cardio so I did 4 miles on the treadmill. Feelin good!

Till next time… Bring It!!

Today’s scheduled workout was KenpoCardio Plus but I opted for good ole KenpoX. I can’t really put my finger on it, but I really feel like I get a better workout with KenpoX. I guess I should check that out by using my heart rate monitor.

Only one workout today.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was Upper Plus and Abs/Core plus. Wow did I work up a sweat. I have been doing double workouts for the past week and I'm feeling great. I do my P90X in the AM and then a 3 to 4 mile treadmill run after work. I sweat buckets during both workouts so staying hydrated is very important right now. I am drinking about a Gallon of water a day.

Today is day 20 of the clean eating challenge and I'm still doing great. One thing that I wanted to get out there (where ever there is) is that there are 2 items that I consume that do not totally adhere to the "clean eating" guide that I have set up for myself. 1.) I do drink the Beach Body Recovery drink after almost every P90X workout. It has a lot of sugars in it but I think that the good outweighs the bad here. And 2.) I occasionally eat a protein bar as a snack. I like to eat every two hours. There are times that I don't have a moment to prepare a snack. It is at those times that I grab a protein bar. And I can use the extra protein. So that's it. Full disclosure. Those are the only things I do to stray from my clean eating challenge.

Till next time... Bring It!

YogaX was the workout for me today. I feel a little cold coming on and am hoping that Yoga has magical powers and can chase this cold away. I feel pretty good right now after working out and taking a nice long hot shower. We'll see how I am feeling later today.

The workout went well, I felt very strong. I did get my second workout in yesterday. A nice 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.

Till next time... Bring It!

I just finished today’s P90X Plus Total Body Plus workout and I am spent! That workout hit everything. Also, for 3 days this week I have gotten in a second workout in the afternoon. I have been running on the treadmill, 3 to 4 miles. I want the extra cardio to help speed the fat loss. So far so good.

And today is day 18 of my clean eating challenge. I’m still going strong and still sticking to it and feeling fantastic. Who’d have thought that you can actually wake up without coffee?

Well, till next time… Bring it!!

Plyo kicked my but today! As it does most days for that matter. Day 17 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling strong. I have lost about 8 pounds in the past 17 days.

Till Next time… Bring It!

Day 35 was a rest day but I ran on the treadmill for 3 miles. I need as much cardio as I can get right now.

Day 36 was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. I went well, I felt good and strong. Then I went for a 4 mile run on the treadmill after work.

This is day 16 of my clean eating challenge! I’m 1/2 way to my initial 30 days! I gotta say, I am feeling FANTASTIC!

Till next time… Bring It!!

My scheduled workout was P90X Plus Kenpo Cardio but I decided to do the P90X KenpoX. For some reason I like that one better. I feel I get more of a workout in. It has been awhile since I have done that one and it really felt like it too. Today was also day 14 of my clean eating challenge and I’m still going strong. My back is still feeling 100%.

Till next time… Bring It!

Day 32 was YogaX and I actually woke up in time and was able to squeeze in the entire 90 Minute workout. It went well. My back felt at about 90 to 95% normal.

Day 33 and my back feels great. I’d say that I’m back to 100%! Woo Hoo another injury behind me, and rather quickly I might add. Today is day 13 of my clean eating challenge and I’m feeling great. I can honestly say that I have stuck to that diet 100% for the past 13 days. Although I am missing a nice cold beer now and then, I am not missing coffee, dairy, sugar, processed white and wheat flour, nor am I missing processed foods. So far so good.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was Total Body Plus and it felt great! I felt strong but still went easy on potential back straining exercises. The good news is that I would say that my back is at about 95% and getting better each day.

YogaX tomorrow morning. Will I get up for it? OF COUSE!

Till next time… Bring It!

I had to rest on day 27 due to my sore lower back. It was supposed to be a YogaX day but I didn’t think that my back could handle it. It had been 7 days since I first strained it and this is about as bad as it’s been in the last 7 days. It needed the rest.

Day 28 was a stretch or a rest day and I chose to rest. The lower back needed me to take it easy.

Day 29 and my back was feeling much better. Maybe 75%? This was an Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus day and I took it easy on anything that had back straining potential. I even skipped a bunch of the core moves because my back couldn’t take it. After my workout I felt that I may have still gone too hard and not rested my back enough.

Today was P90X Plus day 30 and the workout was Plyometrics. I gotta say, I am feeling, really, really good today. High energy and my back is at about 90%. MUCH better. It always amazes me that the human body can repair so quickly. It seems that whenever I get an injury I just listen to my body and do what it needs/can handle. And before ya know it… I’m better! I know that not everyone is as lucky and I thank my lucky stars for this. I could have slept in today because it is a Federal holiday, Veterans Day, but my body clock got me up at 5:30. Since I was awake I decided to get up and do my usual routine even though it was a day off. Got up, worked out, took shower, feel GREAT!

Today is also day 10 on my clean eating challenge and here are some things I have noticed. My complexion is better. My energy is up. I have lost a few pounds and feel better about the way I look already. I am keeping track of my water intake and am drinking about a Gallon a day. Not forced, that’s just what I drink. I can’t say that I’m sleeping better, because I always sleep well, but my wife is sleeping better. WHAT? How can THAT be? Well, she reports that I am snoring MUCH less, and even not at all on some nights. My snoring used to keep her up so now she’s sleeping bettter. I’m not too sure what to contribute that to. The weight loss? Maybe a dairy or wheat allergy? I’m thinking that it could be the dairy.

I love the fact that I am healthy enough to go down in the basement just about everyday and bounce around like a kid and lift weights too. Not everyone is so fortunate and everyday that I have this physical freedom is a gift that should is not taken lightly. It can be taken away in an instant. Cherish everyday that you are able to workout.

Well, that’s it for now. Till next time… Bring It!

This is day 6 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling much better. More energy today. I have lost 3 pounds this week. My new clean diet is not about losing pounds but it is more about losing body fat, feeling good, and being heart healthy.

Today’s P90X Plus workout was Legs and Back. My lower back is still giving me problems so I took it easy on the exercises that put strain on the lower back. I still got a great workout in and even increased the number of reps I can do in most pull-up exercises.

I’m feeling good these past few days. I have finally been able to focus on my diet. Now as soon as my back is feeling better I will be able to go full force on my workouts again. I’m pretty good at listening to my body and only doing what it can handle so I’m hoping for a speedy return.

Till next time… Bring It!

026.365 Days (I'm Back)Today started a bit rough. My back strain, reported a few posts back, was much worse this morning. When my my alarm rang at 5am this morning I knew that I would not be able to get up and do the scheduled Ab/Core Plus and the XStretch workouts. So I reset my alarm for 7 am and slept in. I have been taking Advil all day and it still feels a bit tweaked as I write this at 3:30pm. I may try and do the XStretch after work but I will probably be better served by resting.

Today is day 5 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling pretty good today. Not as sluggish My body must not need caffeine anymore. I am proud of myself, I have really stuck to this so far. It’s pretty easy but just takes a bit more time during the day.

That’s all for now. Till next time… Bring It!

Day 4 of the clean eating challenge and I’m still feeling a bit sluggish. I stayed up late last night watching the election results (YEAH OBAMA!) and was very tired when I got up this morning. I feel almost like I’m coming down with something. I’m hoping it’s just the lack of sleep. I made sure that I consumed more “clean” calories than the days before and that helped my energy a little but I am still crashing mid-afternoon. I have lost a couple of pounds in the past 3 days but am really surprised that I have not lost more.

My lower back is still a problem. It was KILLING me this morning. I had to take it pretty easy this morning during the P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout. Luckily this workout is mainly upper body and no core. The combination of tweaking my lower back moving furniture, then P90X + ab/core workout the following day, and then Ab ripperX the day after that has really left my back aching. I feel OK now thanks to Advil. I hope I’m better tomorrow for the scheduled Abs/Core + and Stretch X workouts. If not I’ll have to skip th eabs/core workout.

Till next time… Bring It!

This is my third day of the clean eating challenge and so far so good. Well, at least I am still alive. I do feel a bit sluggish over the past couple days though. And I was really flat during today’s Core Synergistics workout. I was short of my old max reps on a few exercises and there we some that I could not even finish.

Part of the reason I was a bit timid in some of the exercises today was because this was a heavy core day and my lower back is feeling a little tweaked. I think I over did it while moving some very heavy furniture in and out of the garage this weekend. I took a couple Advil after this morning’s workout and feel much better.

The reason that I am feeling a bit sluggish is probably because I am not eating enough. I will try to eat more today and see if that saps me back.

Well, today is election day and it’s time for me to go vote.

Till next time… Bring It!

It felt great to get back to one of my favorite P90X workouts today, Back and Bis. That is a killer workout. P90X + week 4 is a back to good ole P90X kinda week. This has the makings to be a fun week. Many of my favorite workouts will be used this week. I’m looking forward to it.

And yesterday was my first full day on my clean eating challenge. I kept to the plan perfectly. And this morning is the second morning without coffee. No headaches and no withdrawals. Despite my huge consumption of coffee in the past, it appears like this will be an easy habit to kick.

I feel great already and know that I will feel better everyday that I “eat clean”.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today is a rest or stretch day but I may squeeze in a KenpoX workout to make up for yesterday’s missed Kenpo Cardio workout.

OK, I have had a breakthrough of sorts. I am FINALLY serious about concentrating on my diet. Yesterday I literally stumbled on a post from Tony Horton’s blog and it inspired me to get on track with my food intake. I will NEVER see the results I want until I change my diet. So here we go, for the next 30 days (except for Thanksgiving) I will be radically changing my diet.

This should be fairly easy for me. I’m an all or nothing kinda guy. You can read Tony’s post to see his outline of what he called the simple, unmodified, hard core version of the food plan.

Here is my version of his plan. I modified slightly to fit my needs. For example, his plan called for 1 cup of coffee max a day for coffee drinkers. I am going to quit coffee completely. He also suggests limiting dairy. I am going to completely eliminate dairy.

  • For the next 30 days I will not eat white bread or anything made with enriched flour or processed flour.

  • No sugary food like candy, cake, etc.

  • No Dairy foods.

  • No carbonated beverages. Beer included. Drink water and tea only.

  • At least 2 meals a day must include vegetables.

  • One meal a day, must include fruit.

  • Protein will come from - Nuts, beans, fish, turkey, and chicken.

  • For a minimum of the first 2 weeks write down everything I eat.

  • No calorie counting.

  • Eat smaller meals.

  • Eat every two hours.

  • Do not eat a couple hours before going to bed.

EDIT: Here's my official Clean Eating Challenge page.  

That’s it! Pretty easy huh?

It’s almost 2:30 pm on my first day and I am having no problem giving up coffee. I have done a great job with the diet too. I’m thinking about taking some before and after shots for this 30 days as well.

Till next time… Bring It!

I failed to do the scheduled KenpoX workout today. I had a lot going on and figured that the chores I did probably equated to KenpoX. I mowed the front and back lawn (2 hours) and then cleaned organized the garage. We have an entire bedroom set of furniture in there and moving it in and out of the garage all by myself was quite a chore.

Till next time…Bring It!

Not much to say today other than I am proud to say that I got up and worked out today. Feels great!

Till next time… Bring It!

After two weeks of skipping YogaX I was able to roll out of bed and do the scheduled Yoga workout today. I do hate when I skip a couple weeks of Yoga because I always feel week and off balance the first time back at it. Today was no exception. It was a great workout as usual but I did skip a few exercises due to time constraints. That, and my lower back is feeling a bit “tweaky” this morning. I think that I overdid something during yesterday’s Total Body + workout. Nothing that I wont bounce back from in a day or so.

Also, I hit a big milestone the other day. I went over 200 hours of P90X! I log all of my workouts (running, P90X, etc.) on my log at Running Ahead. I have done P90X 179 times for a total of 204 hours as of today. And if I would have been concentrating on my diet I would probably look like it too!

Till next time… bring it!

My plan was to do the Interval Plus workout as a second workout yesterday but I ran out of time.

However, I’m back on track with the “Plus” and I did the Total Body Plus workout this morning. Another great workout with buckets of sweat lost.

Tomorrow is YogaX and since I have missed doing it for the past two weeks it is a MUST that I get my but out of bed and do it tomorrow morning.

Till next time… Bring it!

Well, as expected, I missed yesterday’s Day 15 Upper Plus and Ab/Core Plus workout. So I ended up doing it today and it felt great after having a couple days off. Today is supposed to be Interval Plus and Abs/Core Plus so I may just do a double workout today and sneak those in. Then I’ll be all caught up. I’ll play that one be ear and see how I feel and how much time I have later.

Till next time… Bring it!

I’m starting to enjoy this new Kenpo Cardio Plus workout a bit more. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be able to do the Gladiator move to perfection. It’s a tough one and I can never coordinate is just right. None the less, it was a great day 13 workout.

Day 14 was a scheduled rest day. I decided to go for a run instead of resting just in case I am unable to workout on Day 15. I’ll be traveling home on Day 15 and may not have time to get the workout in.

Till next time… Bring It!

I’ve skipped P90X YogaX two weeks in a row now. Well, the first week I had a good excuse because I was traveling. This weeks excuse was lame. Lack of motivation basically. I mowed the lawn instead. My wife was gone this week which caused me to alter my daily schedule and get me out of whack.

However, I did do yesterday’s Day 12 Upper + and Abs/Core + workout late in the afternoon. A great workout as usual.

OK, it’s time to get serious about my food intake. I really need to focus on this now. I am putting on muscle but my body fat is not dropping and I and not getting much definition. I’m setting the start date as October 28th. That will be the start of my healthy eating. And eating more frequently. I need to stoke that metabolism.

I will be going out of town for the next few days so my next update may not be until Tues.

Well, till next time… Bring It!

The P90X + Total Body workout is a KILLER! Wow, I still can’t get over how much I am sweating while doing the PLUS workouts. Great workout today.

Till next time… Bring It!!

Yes, that’s not a typo, I’m repeating P90X + week 2 because of travel.

Today was P90X + Interval + and it is still kickin my butt! This workout had me sweating like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

Till next time… Bring It!

I’m on vacation and it’s thrown me a bit off track but I still managed to run 3 miles today. My internal clock woke me up at 5AM and I went down to the hotel workout room and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. Felt great.

Till next time… Bring It!

Sunday (day 7 ) was a rest day. Woo Hoo!

Monday (day 8) was a Holiday for me, it was Columbus day. So I got to sleep in and workout later in the day. THAT felt great. I always have more energy later in the day. Monday’s workout was Upper + and Ab/Core +. Whooped my butt as usual.

Tuesday (day 9) was Interval + and Ab/Core +. What a KILLER! One thing that I have learned about P90X Plus is that you sweat a hell of a lot more than regular P90X. There is a lot more cardio involved. It’s great, and I love to sweat. I’m just so surprised at the amount of sweat that I’m producing during these workouts. I will definitely have clean my matt downstairs with a mop and some bleach water. I think that it’s getting yucky!

Well, till next time… Bring It!

Yesterday was Upper + and today was Kenpo Plus. Feeling great. I even went for a run yesterday afternoon.

Till next time… Bring it!

YogaX Thursday! Well, at least THAT is still the same as regular ole P90X. I felt good and strong during YogaX today, Nice for a change.

Till next time…

Bring It!

Today was Total Body +. Wow, what a workout. I gotta say, I don’t think I have sweat as much as I have in the the last 3 days of doing Plus, as I have with regular P90X in a while. During P90X I concentrated more on “going heavy” and not on going fast. During Plus it seems like the emphasis is more on going lighter and longer. Really getting that sweat going. But that’s good. That’s what I need right now in order to burn some of this fat off!

Lovin the Plus!

Till next time… Bring It!

Holly cannoli! Today’s P90X + Interval + and AB Core + was a KILLER! I was toast by the ab workout. My heart rate monitor showed that I burned 1200 cals during this workout. Sheesh, I know that I’m eating too much of the wrong stuff. I should be super lean with these workouts and the right foods. I NEED, NEED, NEED to focus on diet.

Anyway, I sweated buckets this morning and feel great. I’m loving the change between P90X and P90X+.

Can’t wait to see what Total Body + is like tomorrow.

Until next time… Bring it!

Well, I have gone through 2 Rounds of P90X and one Phase of a third round. Now I am going to give P90X + a try. And today marks the start of “The Plus”.

I’m doing P90X + Classic and today’s workouts were Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. WOW, what a great workout. The first time you do a new workout is always a bit awkward but it was still fun and great work. I am really looking forward to this new challenge.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today’s P90X Kenpo Cardio Plus marked the end of the hard workouts for Phase 1. The next week is recovery and then the start of Phase II.

But, I have a little trick up my sleeve. I think that I’ll start P90X + on Monday! Can’t wait!

Till next time… Bring It!

I felt a bit flat this morning during my P90X Legs, Back and Ab Ripper X (ABX) Workout. I hard a hard time getting out of bed but finally did. Felt good in some exercises and flat in others. I only did 1/2 of the ABX workout, partly because I was wasted and partly because I ran out of time due to the oversleep.

But the bottom line is… I still got up and worked out!

Till next time… Bring It!

I felt very strong during today’s 90 minutes P90X YogaX workout. It still amazes me how strenuous Yoga can be. Before P90X I never would have imagined that I would sweat this much during Yoga. Great way to start the day.

Till next time… Bring It!

Still right on track and feeling great. Great P90X Shoulders and Arms workout today. I still need to really focus on my diet if I want to lose that excess body fat and look as good as I feel. Hmmmm.. time for nuthin but salads and water for a couple weeks?

Till next time… Bring It!

PlyoX still kicks my butt every time! I have been doing this P90X workout for over 190 days and PlyoX still totally crushes me. In a good way.

I’m 1/2 through Phase 1 of this Round and still on track. Yeah me!

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X Chest, Back and Ab RipperX today. I felt a bit off today but still added a few reps to many of the exercises. I was spent by the time Ab Ripper X rolled around and ended up doing a few reps short of my normal amount for most exercises.

Good day overall.

Till next time… Bring It!

I lovin this new P90X Plus – Kenpo Cardio Plus workout! Lot’s of sweat and it’s short and sweet. The only move I am having a hard time with now is the Gladiator. I just can not put the mechanics of that together. I thought that I was coordinated, maybe not. I kept repeating the Gladiator section but still I could not get it right. Maybe next time.

Well, that’s the end of the second week of this Phase. So far so goood. Still on track with the workouts. I really, really need to get on track with the diet.

Till next time… Bring It!

supersoaker Super Soaker is not only the name of a high performance squirt gun, but it’s also what I’m calling today’s P90X Legs and Back workout. Wow, I can’t remember the last time I was this sweaty. It’s usually a tough workout but today seemed extra tough, I’m not too sure why.

Now, if I could just get my diet under control I would probably look in good of shape as I actually am.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X YogaX was great today. Although, I only did 1 hour 15 minutes of the hour and a half workout. I had to cut a few things out because I stayed up too late last night and then slept in the AM.

I felt great though. I felt a little too tight but I felt strong.

A GREAT way to start the day.

Till Next time… Bring It!

I love this workout! P90X Shoulders, Arms and Ab Ripper X today. I felt great. Strong. Moved up in weight for a couple of exercises. I can barely take my T-shirt off after this workout. Arms are toast.

Feeling like I’m on track and here to stay for the duration of Round 3. Totally committed. Got some new dumbbells for my birthday and that is helping.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X PlyoX was a bit better than last week but still a killer! An absolute shirt soaker. Totally worked over and feelin good!

Till next time… Bring It!

weightlifter Happy Birthday to me!

P90X Chest, Back and Ab RipperX, what a great way to celebrate the completion of my 43rd year of life and a fantastic way to start the 44th year. Awesome sweat, awesome workout. Feeling great lately, no issues. I just need to tighten down on the diet a bit. Today will be a bad day for that with cake and all.

Well, till next time… Bring It!!

I’m lovin the Kenpo cardio Plus workout! What a killer. Movin and groovin but I was having a hard time figuring out some of the moves. I’m hoping that after doing this a few times that it will become second nature like the other P90X Kenpo workout. The difference is that in this workout Tony does not pause to teach us the moves. It’s non-stop action.

I look forward to next Saturday when I do this one again.

Till next time… bring It!

Ouch, ouch OUCH! Yesterdays P90X PlyoX caught up to me today and my legs are KILLIN me! I MUST remember that when I take a couple weeks off that I will pay dearly for it.

My Shoulders, Arms and ABX workout today went well. Love that one. Couldn’t lift my arms afterward.

And do ya think that maybe SOMEDAY I’ll be able to do Ab RipperX all the way through? I’m thinkin not.

Well, till next time… Bring It!

Well, let’s call the last 15 days of P90X Round 3 a false start. The first 2 weeks were a bit sketchy and last week was a complete loss.

So I got up at 5AM today determined to stay on the wagon and complete a third round of P90X. And boy do I need it! I went from weighing 172 at the end of Round 1 to 184 lbs as I start this third round of P90X.

So here we go! Today was awesome and it made me remember how hard P90X is and how much I love the workouts.

So till next time… Bring it!


I’m starting a new Round (each Round is 90 days) of P90X today! I am coming back from a 2 week break due to travel. I missed the last two weeks of Phase 3 of Round 2 and I can feel it! I’m a few reps short of where I was when I left off. But my past experience shows that I will bounce back rather quickly and be close to where I left off very soon.

This Round was supposed to start yesterday but I really have a hard time working out when it’s not a typical workday. Yesterday was a holiday. So I got up at 5am and started my routine today. I did yesterday’s workout today and I’ll do Tuesday’s workout on Wednesday and so on through Sunday. Sunday is usually a rest day but I am using yesterday as my rest day.

Till next time… Bring it!

What a great week! I have been able to fit in double workouts just about everyday this week. On P90X Day 74 I did YogaX at my usual 5 AM time and then did a 35 minute run while waiting for my daughter to finish evening softball practice. YogaX went really well, I felt strong.

Yesterday (P90X Day 75) I did Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X (ABX) in the AM as scheduled. Yes, I’m back to doing ABX again. My lower back is feeling better, not 100%, but close, so I decided to give ABX a try again. I kinda 1/2 assed it but it felt good getting back to it. After work I did CardioX as my second workout of the day.

I’m feeling great and starting to loose some of that extra body fat. But… I will be traveling a lot soon and know that my workouts and eating will suffer. I’ll just have to get back to it as soon as this travel is over.

Till next time… Bring It!

Yesterdays (Day 72) P90X PlyoX workout was great! Still a killer! Then I snuck in a second workout of the day while waiting for my daughter to finish softball practice. I mapped out a 1 mile loop around the outdoor softball complex. It was a nice loop. Hills, dirt, grass, a little bit of everything. And every 1/2 mile or so I stopped and did either pull-ups at the playground or push-ups on a patch of concrete. It was a GREAT second workout of the day and I was whooped and soaking wet by the time I was done.

Day 73 – I am VERY sore today. I guess it’s from yesterdays second workout. I really pushed it hard. But, I still had a great Shoulders and Arms P90X workout this morning. I skipped Ab ripper X for the last two workouts. I’m trying to give my back a rest. I’ll probably be ready for it again on Friday.

I’m thinking that I’ll squeeze in another workout this afternoon, but I am going to go a bit easier than yesterday.

Till next time… Bring It!

Well, I wish that I could say that I finished up my repeat week strong but I can’t. I did great all week and then when it came to day 69 I slacked off and missed my P90X KenpoX workout for Day 69. I had good reason though. My lower back was feeling a bit tweaked ever since I tried moving from the Ab RipperX wide legged sit-ups to cross legged sit ups on Friday. I don’t think that my lower back was ready for that.

So Saturday (Day 69) I decided to give the back a rest and not do KenpoX, I planned on doing it Sunday (Day 70). On Sunday my back felt a bit better but I never did get around to doing KenpoX, we went boating instead. And I went tubing, which is quite a workout in itself. And surprisingly it did not make my back any worse.

So today (Day 71) I overslept AGAIN (weekends are ruining me lately) but after work I did do the Chest and Back workout scheduled for today. I decided to skip the ABX workout today because my back is close to 100% but not there yet and I wanted to give it a couple more days to recover.

So there ya have it. And tomorrow is PlyoX (and maybe an extra/second workout of the day if things go as planned tomorrow afternoon).

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X update:

Day 66 – Back, Bi, ABX – Love, love, love this workout. Got up early and got it out of the way. felt great.

Day 67 – YogaX – Almost didn’t get up, but did. I have to admit, YogaX is now officially my least favorite P90X workout. Why? Dunno for sure, let’s see. Maybe because it’s the longest workout (about and hour and 1/2). I’m usually in uncomfortable pain throughout the workout. I don’t sweat as much or get a pump from it like I do from other workouts.

I know it’s important to be flexible and obtain Yoga strength but it sure is a pain in the ass!

Day 68 – Legs, Back, Abx – Got up early and got it out of the way. It’s amazing how good I feel during the rest of the day when I get my workouts out of the way early.

Well, that about catches the blog up. I feel like I’m back on track again. But, I have some travel ahead of me so we’ll see what happens then.

Till next time… Bring It!

Over slept AGAIN but got my P90X PlyoX workout in after work. Man, I can’t believe that I have been doing this workout once a week for close to 6 months and it still kicks my butt. What a killer.

Goal – Get up at 5 AM tomorrow and workout then.

Till next time… Bring it!

I’m repeating P90X Round 2, Phase 3, week 2 because I really slacked off last week. There was a lot going on and I found it hard to get to bed early and then wake up early enough for my workouts. So last week was not so great, I only did the Chest, Shoulders and Tris and ABX workouts last week.

So this week I am repeating and I overslept this morning AGAIN but still did my Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX workout after work. Felt great. Great workout, loved it.

So till tomorrow (promise!)… Bring It!

I slept in again (wow 5 AM is EARLY). My goal for today was to workout after work. But I did a few things and before I knew it something came up. The family wanted to go to the County Fair. See, that’s the problem with not doing it in the AM. It’s also the hard part about Summer. Always something going on.

So, I decided to workout after the fair.

Uh oh… just got home from the fair, it’s 11PM. TOO LATE to workout!!! And now it’s so late that I doubt that I’ll get up at 5AM. Vicious cycle.

I think that I’ll end up re-doing this week.

I didn’t get around to doing PlyoX today, Summer got in the way again.I did go boating and tubing today so I got in a small workout. I never thought that I’d say this, because I love Summer so much, but I’m kinda looking forward to the weather changing so that I can get back into a routine. It’s soo hard right now.

Well, till next time… Bring It!

Falling a little behind on P90X. Since this is my second round of it I am not too worried, “I’ll do my best and forget the rest.”

On Day 62 I missed my KenpoX workout. Instead I worked in the backyard cutting down branches and cutting them into small pieces.

Day 63 was a rest day and I rested. Well, I rested as far as P90X is concerned, I actually did a lot more yard work though.

Day 64 I overslept and missed the workout in the AM but did it right after work. It was the Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX workout. Loved it!

I knew that the Summertime would make it hard to stay on track and that’s exactly what is happening. It’s harder to get to bed early enough to get up on time to workout. It’s also harder to force myself to do the Saturday workout. There’s always so much going on during the weekends.

That’s OK, I’ll do my best and then it’s nose to the grindstone when the weather changes.

Till next time… Bring It!

Actually woke up almost on time this morning. I was able to do the whole P90X Legs and Back workout but I had to cut the AB Ripper X workout a little short. Ran out of time for it.

Once again, great workout but I can tell that I have lost a very small amount of fitness from the week off.

I feel like I am looking better/leaner again. I had put on some weight/body fat/water weight from the vacation. Too many beers! Need to concentrate on diet, that’s still the hard part for me.

I had my first P90X peak performance protein bar today. One word.. AWESOME! I gotta get me some more of those. Thanks Sis!

Till next time… Bring it.

Oh, and one final note… I don’t normally mix “real life” stuff in my posts but today is a very sad day and I wanted to acknowledge the passing of a very special person. The Last Lecturer, Randy Pausch succumbed to pancreatic cancer today, he was very inspirational.

I over slept AGAIN! Man, sleeping in on vacation has ruined me. I need to change my body clock a bit and get to bed earlier. I missed my YogaX workout today due to sleeping in but I did get a bit of a workout in after work. I trimmed a bunch of branches from an apple tree in our backyard and wow was that hard work. Good sweat too.

Till next time… Bring It!

I did do a second workout yesterday in order to make up for the missed day on Monday. So yesterday I ended up doing Chest and back in the morning and then I did PlyoX in the eve. Wow, what a day.

So today I overslept again and had to do my workout in the evening. I can tell that I have a lot more intensity when I workout in the afternoon or evening, today was no exception. It was a great Shoulders, Arms and ABX workout but I can tell that I lost a tiny bit of fitness due to the week off. Felt great none the less.

Till next time… Bring It!

Back from vacation and back on the P90X train again. Officially starting Phase III today. I could not get up at 5AM yesterday (Monday) and missed Chest and Back. But I did get up on time today and I did yesterday’s Chest and Back. Love it! Love this workout. I always get a great pump from this one.

I’m hoping that the week off did me good. I feel like it did. Time off is good now and then and I’m sure my body needed to recuperate.

Now what to do about today’s missed Ab Ripper X (ABX) and PlyoX? I think I will do PlyoX after work today. Since ABX in on the calendar for tomorrow I think I will just skip it today.

Till next time… Bring It!

Well, I missed XStretch yesterday (Day 53) and I’m a little bummed about that. But I stayed up waaaay to late on the night before last and there was no way that I could get up at 5AM.

But I made up for it today. Core Synergistics was awesome today. Plenty of intensity. Great workout.

VACATION Tomorrow!!!!! I may not post for a week. I’ll be on vacation and doing a modified Phase III week 1. The week after vacation I’ll be traveling and have to do modifies Phase III week 2 while in a hotel. But rest assured that I’ll be back at it when life returns to normal.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X KenpoX was the workout of the day. I WAS able to drag myself out of bed but I was pretty sluggish this morning. I slogged through the workout but my intensity was not there. I felt like I was at about 50 to 60% intensity and sure enough, my Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) confirmed it after the workout was over. I usually burn a minimum of 1000 calories during that workout but today I only burned about 600 calories. I guess I know my body pretty well when I predicted the 50 to 60 %.

I’m hoping for more intensity tomorrow.

Till next time… Bring It!

Well I’m a bit bummed. I missed the P90X Day 48 kenpoX workout and the Day 50 YogaX workout. Day 49 was a rest day so I was OK there. I have missed days in the past due to vacation but those were planned. These 2 missed workouts were due to over sleeping and then feeling too tired in the afternoon to workout. I think that I’m coming down with something. I’m tired and I have a slight ache in my right side groin gland. Something is up, I just hope it’s all gone before vacation next week.

This is recovery week and I did do the Core Synergistics workout today. I had a great workout and a great sweat but when I was done I felt like I was even sicker.

Fingers crossed!

Till next time… Bring It!

Well I’m a bit bummed. I missed the P90X Day 48 kenpoX workout and the Day 50 YogaX workout. Day 49 was a rest day so I was OK there. I have missed days in the past due to vacation but those were planned. These 2 missed workouts were due to over sleeping and then feeling too tired in the afternoon to workout. I think that I’m coming down with something. I’m tired and I have a slight ache in my right side groin gland. Something is up, I just hope it’s all gone before vacation next week.
This is recovery week and I did do the Core Synergistics workout today. I had a great workout and a great sweat but when I was done I felt like I was even sicker.
Fingers crossed!
Till next time… Bring It!

Happy Independence Day fellow Americans!

P90X Legs, Back and ABX this AM. Even this is a Holiday today I still got up pretty early to get my workout out of the way before the parties start.

It was a pretty good workout but I felt like I was dragging a bit. Maybe it was because I went for a 5 mile run yesterday evening.

ABX still kickin my butt.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X YogaX felt pretty good today. I felt strong this morning and was able to turn up the intensity a bit more than last week. Unfortunately I overslept by about 15 minutes so to make up for it I skipped the YogaX one leg poses (I hate those anyway) and I skipped the ommms at the end.

Great day.

Had a great P90X PlyoX workout on day 44. Great sweat. Really brought the intensity.

Day 45 Back, Bis and ABX was great too. I was off on a couple of exercises but was able to add a couple reps to my max on other exercises. All in all and good workout. AB Ripper X still kickin my butt though. Someday I’ll conquer it.

Till next time… Bring It!

I missed a couple of days blogging about P90X so here’s a catch-up post.

Day 39 YogaX felt great. I felt much stronger this week than last. I still have some issues with some of the moves but all in all I felt good and strong. I definitely was still sore from the previous days back and Biceps workout. Was it because I did that workout later in the day and was able to workout with more intensity than usual? Or was it because I did not drink my recovery drink that day? Or both?

Day 40 – I overslept this AM and could not get up to workout. I decided to make this my rest day and to shuffle the schedule a bit to make up for it.

Day 41 – I did Legs, Back and ABX today. It was the workout that I was supposed to do yesterday. Great workout.

Day 42 – KenpoX today and WOW are my legs sore from yesterdays leg workout. OUCH! It amazes me that even after close to 5 months of P90X that the workouts still leave me sore the next day. Good stuff.

Day 43 – Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and AB RipperX. Great workout! Love this one. Left shoulder was a bit tender though. Not too sure why. I may have hurt it while lifting my 5 yr old while playing around at the pool yesterday. All in all a great workout and I REALLY BROUGHT IT today. But WHEN o WHEN will I be able to do AB RipperX completely?!? Six months of P90X is right around the corner and I still can’t do that workout perfectly. Will I ever get there? I guess it gives me something to work for.

Well, I’m all caught up now.

Till next time… Bring It!

Back, Biceps, Ab RipperX P90X workout today was GREAT! I over slept this morning and waited until after work to do my workout. I really like working out in the afternoon because I have so much more energy. I was able to REALLY bring a lot of intensity to the workout today and by the end of the workout I could barely lift my arms.

AB Ripper X… WTF?? Will I EVER be able to do this workout as designed? I have been doing it for 4 months now and still can’t do all the reps for all the exercises. MAN! What a mean workout.

Well, till next time… Bring It!

P90X PlyoX today. A fantastic workout as always. I feel like I’m almost back to the same level of fitness as before my 1 week recovery and 1 week break. Remind me to NEVER EVER do that again!

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX today. Love this one! Just wish I could actually do some one-armed push ups without cheating. Someday I will.

Till next time… Bring It!

Instead of resting today I did the KenpoX workout that I was supposed to do yesterday. Love this one, the time flew by and I had a fantastic sweat going by the time it was over. Awesome.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was P90X Legs, Back and Ab Ripper X. The usual Friday workout. There are not many exercises that I HATE in P90X, but Legs and Back has more than any other workout.

Here are the exercises that come to mind when I think about P90X exercises that I do not like.

YogaX – all the stuff during the one leg section. Also, the move where you’re in a lunge and reach behind your back and under your thigh and clasp hands. Or at least try to. Hate it. It hurts.

Legs and back – Balance lunges, Alternating side lunges, Iso toe roll and Calf raises (only because I get tired of holding the 30 lb dumbbells for the duration of the 3 exercises).

Ab Ripper X – Oblique v ups. Hate it.

Other than that I really like the rest of P90X.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X YogaX today. Wow, it’s been awhile since I last did YogaX and I feel it. I felt tight, off balance and not as strong. My legs are tight and sore from PlyoX the other day. No more time off!

Till next time… Bring It!

Well, I can still walk, that’s a good sign. I was thinking that I would not be able to walk today because of the hard PlyoX workout yesterday. I’m not feeling too bad right now and it’s been about 24 hours. I’m a bit sore but I can walk.

Today’s Back, Biceps and Ab RipperX workout was great but I lost a couple of reps. Must have been that week off.

Diet was better today.

Till next time… Bring It!

Wow! Plyo kicked my butt tonight! Remind me never to take a week of from P90X again. Ouch! I still hurt from yesterday’s Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX and now Plyo just about took me out. If I can walk tomorrow I’ll be very surprised. My legs were like rubber 1/4 of the way through PlyoX.

I can’t believe how much fitness I lost in a week. Bummer. And I have been eating like CRAP! I gained 6 lbs.

Time to crack down and start REALLY focusing on the diet.

Time to focus now.

Till next time… Bring It!

Great workout today but felt a little off after taking last week off. Today was Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and ABX. I feel like I lost a bit of fitness due to the lack of workouts last week.

Still can’t do any of those damn one arm push-ups. Someday. Ab RipperX felt OK. Actually better in some of the exercises than I have felt in the past.

I am still struggling with the diet. Too much garbage going in lately. And we all know that garbage in means garbage out.

No injuries to update you on, I feel very healthy. ITBS and all. A week off is not all bad, it gives your body a chance to REALLY heal.

Till next time… Bring It!

I uploaded the new P90X Before and After pics and here is a photo comparison of Day 1 vs Day 30 vs Day 60 vs Day 90 vs Day 120 

I don't see much difference this past 30 days. I must watch my diet more closely.

Day 1 of Round 2 Phase 2 starts tomorrow!

Substituted YogaX with a run again. Did 5 miles. Very humid.

Next post will be in about 1 week. Vacation time.

Till next time… Bring It!

Kicked some P90X butt tonight! Wow I love, love, love that Core Synergistics workout. That’s one thing that I look forward to during these Phase 1 recovery weeks, two days of Core! This is the second time this week that I “brought it” so hard that I was completely soaked and just this side of puking after this workout. What a killer.

Well, tomorrow is YogaX, then a rest day.. and then.. and then.. I’ll probably take the week off because I’ll be traveling and not be able to get many workouts in while gone. I’ll pick up with Phase 2 week 1 when I get back.

Till next time… Bring It!

I substituted StretchX with a run today. I set out to do about 30 minutes and got lost so I created a new run and did 4.6 miles. Check out all my training logs here.

It was a great run. It has been a long time (since starting P90X) since I have been running regularly and I’m amazed that I do not feel like I have lost any fitness. Just goes to show you how well P90X prepares you for all types of exercise. I felt like I could have run for 10 miles. And my cardio was not the limiting factor here, it was my legs. Cardio feels great lately.

I was Plurking and Twittering today and ran across this in a Tweet from one of my Tweeples. Trying to figure out how this BodyBugg thing tracks calories. Strange!

Well, till next time… Bring It!

P90X KenpoX today. Not as much intensity today as yesterday but a great workout nonetheless.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X Round 2 Phase 1 is drawing to a close. Just 5 more days. I am really enjoying doing this second round of P90X. There is some type of gratification a person gets when they begin to feel like they are mastering something, and that’s how I am starting to feel with P90X. I don’t feel like I am mastering it in the sense that I can do all the reps for every exercise, but more in the sense that I am mastering the movements and the routines. The exercises feel more natural now. And I don’t have to watch the TV screen while I do them, I can look in the mirror and concentrate on my form and intensity. It’s a good feeling.

So I really brought the intensity during Core Synergistics today. I was absolutely soakin wet after this workout. And spent. Almost a little nauseous. I really put a lot into this workout. Felt great!

I was pretty wiped out today. I did that 4 mile run last night before bed. Then got up and did this intense Core workout, then played basketball in the drive most of the evening. Good day, but tired.

Till next time… Bring It!

Skipped YogaX today. Did a 4 mile run in the evening instead. I felt bad blowing off YogaX but the run felt great! It had been 2 weeks since I have been out for a run. Pretty much over the cold not. Small bit of the cough left.

Till next time... Bring It!

I decided to take Saturday off instead of Sunday. So today (Sunday) I did KenpoX. Great workout, lots of sweat. Next week is recovery week. My cold is just about gone. A little bit of a dry cough left over.

Till next time... Bring It!

Legs, Back and Ab RipperX today. I was still feeling a little sluggish from this cold that I have. It was hard to "bring the intensity" today.

By the time I hit ABX I was spent and didn't have much left in me.

And for some reason I was VERY thirsty this AM. I usually drink about 1/2 bottle of water during my workout but today I drank 1 1/2 bottles!

Finally, this cold is also killing my diet (Excuses, excuses) as I have been craving junk food (food porn) like crazy. Time to lay off the Mountain Dew and ice cream!

Till next time..."Bring It!"

YogaX today. I was starting to feel much better last night so I decided to get up at my usual time again (5AM) and do my workout in the AM.

Upon rising I noticed that I felt much better than I have for days.

I felt great during YogaX, strong. Another great workout.

Till next time... Bring It!

Slept in again today because I am sick. Worked out after work. Had a GREAT Shoulders, Arms and ABX workout. REALLY brought it. Felt strong.

Legs were sore today form yesterday's PlyoX.

Injury update: My ITSB is practically gone. My left buttocks is feeling great. I'll keep babying it so it does not get worse again.

Even tough I'm sick it's been a good week so far.

Till next time... Bring It!

Wow! As sick as I am I still brought it during Plyo today. And in a big way. I decided to sleep in today (because I'm sick) and work out after work. I worked my butt off. Sweated up a storm. Brought it so hard I thought I was gunna puke. The legs were like rubber after this workout. Sorry for being so graphic but I really had a good one today despite being sick.

I hope tomorrow goes 1/2 as well.

Till next time... Bring It!

What's worse than getting waking up with a cold on the Sunday before Memorial day? Waking up on Memorial Day feeling worse and having a fever. YUK! I thought I had dodged this one that had been  making the rounds through my house for the past few weeks. it seemed like they were all well and that I was safe. Not so lucky.

I feel like crud but I still did the Chest, Back and ABX workout. I was pretty spent by the ABX section and did not do too stellar. But I felt pretty good about the Chest and back part.

I hope I fell a little better tomorrow. I am thinking about sleeping in and then doing Plyo after work.

Till next time... Bring It!

KenpoX left me soaking wet today. What an awesome workout! And once again, the mirror really helped me focus and increase my intensity.

Legs are VERY sore today from yesterday's Legs and Back workout. I'm thinking that this is due to 2 reasons. One, because I really went at it, and two, because I skipped the week before. Anyway, I can hardly walk.

I'm thinking that KenpoX is my second favorite workout behind Chest and Back.

Well, till next time... Bring It!

Wow, great workout again today. Really brought it. Once again the mirror made a huge difference in my workout. Today was Legs, Back and ABX. In the leg routines I was able to see (in the mirror) that I was dogging it a bit and not going as low as I could be going in the lunge moves. So I corrected. The mirror really made me focus. And the result. it's been about 12 hours since that workout and my legs are already KILLIN me. Hope I can walk to morrow.

Till next time...Bring It!

I have put a mirror in my workout area and have begun to realize that the mirror is good and the mirror is bad. There are good things and bad things about the mirror.  One good thing is that it helps me focus on form.  For example when a in Plank position my body was not as straight as I thought it was.  My butt was up in the air just a little bit.  Now I have corrected that. And there are other small tweaks to be made in many other positions.  The bad aspect of the mirror is that it has knocked my confidence down a peg.  The mirror has taught me that I am not quite the stud that I thought I was.  That I don't look as cool as I thought I did while performing some of these yoga poses.  When lifting weights, I'm happy how I look in the mirror.  When doing yoga I'm not so happy.  When doing yoga, I look like a chubby panda bear waddling around trying to perform these movements.

Today was YogaX. I BROUGHT IT!

Till next time... Bring it!

So today's workout was shoulders and arms.  It was another great workout.  I'm really seeing the advantage of having a mirror in front of me while I workout.  It really helped me concentrate on on my form during this work out.

Not too much else to say.  I'm still wondering how long it will take to do all the ab ripper X repetitions.

Till next time... Bring It!

Today was PlyoX and it felt great. For two days in a row now I have had an extremely hard time getting out of bed. But I finally did get up and get moving with just enough time to complete the PlyoX workout in my NEWLY RE-DECORATED Workout Area!

That's right, my beautiful wife bought me some new rubber workout flooring as an early Father's Day gift. I love it. It has just the right amount of shock absorption but still has enough firmness to feel stable.


The other thing that I did last night, in addition to laying the flooring, was to put a big mirror in front of my workout area.


It's a bit hard to see, but the weights are at the front of my area near the mirror.

One thing that I had remembered when working out at the hotel gym last week was how much feedback you get when working out in front of a mirror. I guess that's why they put mirrors in gyms. And I always thought it was a vanity thing. (Although I must admit that I stare at myself quite a bit when working out in front of a mirror...LOL) So, the mirror REALLY helps me focus on form. It provides excellent feedback.

And here's me posing in my new area.


Till next time... Bring It!

So I took yesterday off. I had planned on doing the StretchX but never got around to it. It just goes to show ya that it's much easier for me if I get up early and get the workout out of the way first thing. If not, I may skip it altogether. It was a rest day anyway so it does not bother me too much. And I played in the yard for over 3 hours with my youngest daughter. Basketball, cartwheels, handstands, pike pull-ups on the rings, whiffel ball and general running around and being the kid that I am. I AM still a kid right?

I think I posted this the day before yesterday but if not, here it is again. I decided to repeat this week. So I'll be doing Round 2 Week 2 twice. I decided to do this because I missed YogaX and Legs and back last week. I also replaced PlyoX with a run. All in all I don't think that missing those workouts was huge, and I probably could have pressed on without repeating and been just fine, but I just feel better about repeating it. And besides, I think that replacing the Plyo workout with a run and skipping the leg workout last week actually did wonders to heal my ITSB issue.

One thing that I will do this round is not to sweat it when I miss a workout. I will make it up, repeat the week, or just miss it. I'm not going to get too freaked by it. I made it through the first 90 days with only a minor schedule modification (I extended the Phase 1 to Phase 2 recovery week by an extra week) and that was my goal. To do the 90 days. Now I'm in gravy land. Everything I do is just gravy. I still take it seriously, I just wont freak about it. I need to travel to Kansas City in mid June and I can foresee repeating that week as well.

Today was Chest, Back and Ab RipperX. I know I have said it a bunch of times but this HAS to be my favorite workout. I love the chest and arm pump I get from it. I was real sluggish getting out of bed today but I finally got up and got going and feel SSSSooooooo good to have workout out today.

I am starting to wonder if I will EVER be able to do all the ABX reps someday. It does not seem like I will ever get there.

My goal this week is to REALY watch the diet.

Till next time... Bring It!

Did KenpoX today. It felt GREAT to be back and back in the groove. What a great workout.

OK, another bummer. Just too tired from traveling to get the workout in. So I missed Legs, Back and AB X today. I will definitely repeat this week next week.

Bummer! I missed the P90X YogaX workout today due to travel. Too much going on. I'll probably repeat this week next week.

Today was a pretty awesome workout. Before I left for Atlanta I ran through the Shoulders and Arms workout with the bands so I would be able to do them on the road, from the hotel room. But I also thought that if the hotel had a decent workout room that I may be able to do my workout there using real weights. Well, that was the case. The hotel had a very nice workout room with some very nice dumbbells.  I had ripped the P90X Shoulders and Arms DVD to my Zune for hotel workouts. I just strapped the Zune to my arm and followed the workout by listening to the audio only. It worked VERY well. I had a great workout.

I have Ab Ripper X on my Zune as well and did that workout out in the same fashion but I did it in my hotel room.

Till next time... Bring it!

Today was supposed to be Plyometrics but due to travel and in an attempt to nurse my ITSB I ran on the treadmill for 3 miles.

Today was my adjusted rest day but I ran 3 miles with a friend. When I got back from the run I did AbRipperX.

So instead of resting today I did tomorrow's Chest and Back workout. I will be traveling tomorrow so I will rest tomorrow. Well, actually I will probably run later in the day Monday and then do today's Ab Ripper X workout.

Chest and back went great and it remains my favorite P90X workout.

Till next time... Bring it!

Well, I had a nice 1 1/2 hour walk behind the mower and then did my KenpoX today. Got a REAL good sweat going during Kenpo and burned a ton of calories.

I'm thinking of doing Chest and Back tomorrow instead of resting. I'll rest on Monday when I am out of town.

Till next time... Bring It!

Legs, Back and AB RipperX.

Pretty good workout today. I took it easy on my left leg in the leg exercises. I'm trying to nurse my ITSB. I did notice that I was able to do a few more reps of most of the pull-up exercises. Nice.

When it came to ABX I was toast! I was pretty weak during it and could not push it too hard. I don't think that I ate enough yesterday.

I have a busy weekend and week coming up so I think I may have to shuffle my schedule a bit. If I can get KenpoX in tomorrow I will. Then I may do my Monday's Chest and Back on Sunday because I have a  very early flight on Monday. Then I'd rest on Monday. We'll see what happens. But I'm not going to sweat it (so to speak), if this week falls apart I will repeat it new week.

Till next time... Bring It!

YogaX today. Felt pretty good. Nursed my left IT band a bit.

Ran for 30 minutes at 6PM while I watch my favorite TV show. Did some stretching after that.

Till next time... Bring it!

So I finally figured out which workout gets my ITSB to flair up. PlyoX. And it's unfortunate cause I LOVE that one. I really brought a lot of intensity when I did Plyo yesterday and today my ITSB is hurtin a bit.  It's not terrible yet but I will have to watch it and baby it during the squatting type moves.

So I am going out of town again and I'll be in a hotel for the Plyo, Shoulders and arms, and YogaX workouts. I figure that I can do Plyo and YogaX in the hotel room. I've done it before. But the shoulders and arms exercise will be tough. Today was shoulders and arms and it was a great workout as usual, I'm just not too sure how it will go in the hotel room. So tonight I ran through that entire workout but this time time I did it with the bands. I didn't do all the reps, I just tried each exercise with the bands and made note of what bands felt right.

So plan A is that I'll bring my bands with me and do the workout with the bands in the hotel room.

Plan B is that if the hotel has a nice big weight room that maybe I can listen to the P90X Shoulder and Arms workout on my Zune MP3 player and following along just listening. I have recently converted ABX, PlyoX, and Shoulders and Arms over to mini video format and transferred them to my Zune for times just like this.

Plan C is that I'll do my best and if I feel like the intensity was not enough that I'll repeat Round 2, Phase 1, Week 2 when I get back. ;o)

I stuck to my goals today. Worked on my hamstrings once after this AM workout, did good with the diet, and got some extra cardio in later in the day. After running through the P90X workout with the bands I played some Basket ball in the driveway and then did some work on my boxing dummy and heavy bag. Mostly kicks. After that I worked on my hamstrings AGAIN.

That's all for now. Till next time... Bring It!

PlyoX today. Wow, this workout still gets my blood pumpin like you would not believe!

I kept my #1 goal in mind during this workout and the goal is to "bring it" with a new level of intensity. I did! Something I realized today was that I was starting to slack off on Plyo the past few times I had done it. I was slacking off so that my heart rate would stay in "the zone" and I would not have to hit pause. Today I "hit it hard" and just hit the pause button a few times when I needed to get the HR back down. That seems to work well and I got an incredible workout. And someday I'll be able to bring it with this intensity and NOT hit the pause button.

My new level of intensity has left me pretty sore from yesterdays workout. This kind of soreness the next day is good and means that I'm building muscle. It's a real testament to this program that even after 90 days you can still push it hard and make gains.

My diet was OK yesterday but not great. I really, really need to focus on this.

I did do my hamstring stretches yesterday and today so I'm sticking with two out of 3 goals.

Till next time... Bring It!

What a great workout. Chest and back is my all time favorite P90X workout.

I really BUH-Rought IT today! I'm really going to focus on bringing a new level of intensity this round. I'll focus on that and on diet/nutrition.

I'm working on a web site to help me keep track of my P90X workout and diet. It's "Top Secret" for now.

Till next time... Bring It!

Here are some fun pics I took that do a pretty good job at displaying my Day 90 physique.

Day 90 Gun Show  Day 90 Lats  Day 90 Flex  Day 90 Legs

Make sure you read the post before this one and the Before and After page!