I had to rest on day 27 due to my sore lower back. It was supposed to be a YogaX day but I didn’t think that my back could handle it. It had been 7 days since I first strained it and this is about as bad as it’s been in the last 7 days. It needed the rest.
Day 28 was a stretch or a rest day and I chose to rest. The lower back needed me to take it easy.
Day 29 and my back was feeling much better. Maybe 75%? This was an Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus day and I took it easy on anything that had back straining potential. I even skipped a bunch of the core moves because my back couldn’t take it. After my workout I felt that I may have still gone too hard and not rested my back enough.
Today was P90X Plus day 30 and the workout was Plyometrics. I gotta say, I am feeling, really, really good today. High energy and my back is at about 90%. MUCH better. It always amazes me that the human body can repair so quickly. It seems that whenever I get an injury I just listen to my body and do what it needs/can handle. And before ya know it… I’m better! I know that not everyone is as lucky and I thank my lucky stars for this. I could have slept in today because it is a Federal holiday, Veterans Day, but my body clock got me up at 5:30. Since I was awake I decided to get up and do my usual routine even though it was a day off. Got up, worked out, took shower, feel GREAT!
Today is also day 10 on my clean eating challenge and here are some things I have noticed. My complexion is better. My energy is up. I have lost a few pounds and feel better about the way I look already. I am keeping track of my water intake and am drinking about a Gallon a day. Not forced, that’s just what I drink. I can’t say that I’m sleeping better, because I always sleep well, but my wife is sleeping better. WHAT? How can THAT be? Well, she reports that I am snoring MUCH less, and even not at all on some nights. My snoring used to keep her up so now she’s sleeping bettter. I’m not too sure what to contribute that to. The weight loss? Maybe a dairy or wheat allergy? I’m thinking that it could be the dairy.
I love the fact that I am healthy enough to go down in the basement just about everyday and bounce around like a kid and lift weights too. Not everyone is so fortunate and everyday that I have this physical freedom is a gift that should is not taken lightly. It can be taken away in an instant. Cherish everyday that you are able to workout.
Well, that’s it for now. Till next time… Bring It!
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