What I've Been ShovelingDay 35 was a rest day and I did rest. From P90X anyway. I ended up having to shovel some serious snow. I wore my heart rate monitor to see how many calories that I burned while out there and was surprised at how many it was. 704 calories burned!

Today, Day 36, was Chest, Shoulders, triceps and ABX. I’m modifying the workouts and bit and decided to skip ARX this morning and do Abs/Core Plus after work instead. And instead of running after work I did a modification of Upper Plus. I just did the workouts that I like. Combat push-ups, 360 chaturanga run, etc.

I think that instead of doing a full P90X plus as a second workout in the after noon that I will do a modified version of it and on two of the days I will run. I can’t give up my runs all together.

Also, I’m focusing more on my diet and with the help of suggestions from others (thanks Boomer!) I’m starting to understand the nutrition aspect better.

That’s it. Till next time… Bring It!!

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