Vomit Sign.I need to start working out in the morning again. All this week I have been working out after work and I have felt a little queasy during the workouts. I’m thinking it’s because I eat late lunches and then a snack shortly before being done with work. Today my wife and I did Legs and back and I literally thought that I was going to vomit during the entire workout. My wife is doing great and barley sweats during these workouts.

This has been a great week but at the same time it has been a frustrating week. I did P90X/P90X + for over a year and was feeling pretty good about my fitness. Then I went a couple months where I had spotty workouts and occasional runs. I have lost so much fitness in that short period of time. There are some pull up exercises where I can only do 1/2 of what I used to be able to do. And Plyo just about killed me.

The thing that keeps me going is the fact that I know it will get easier and easier everyday I continue to exercise.

Till next time… Bring it!!

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