Jell-o BodyI feel like I’m making gains but not as much body fat loss as I’d like. However, it’s probably because I took the “Recovery Week” a little too literally and missed the Tues – Sat workouts. Christmas threw me off. But I’m back on track now! Today was back and Bis and Ab RipperX. I feel pretty good. Altought my arms feel a bit like Jell-O right now.

I always have liked Phase II. I think I like the Mon and Wed DVDs from Phase II better that Phase I.

I have yet to try my homemade custom hybrid DVDs yet. I will work them in next week when I’m back to work. I’ll use them as a second workout of the day.

My updates are few and far between lately but just know that I am still bringing it!

Till next time… Bring It!!

week 2/52 lord help meWhat a difference two weeks makes. My Doc said that my back should be better in two weeks and he was right. I feel like I’m back to 100%. I did all the P90X workouts this week and the only modification I made was to skip Ab RipperX. I felt like I should take it easy on the lower back and feared that ABX would put too much strain on it. I’ll add ABX back in when I start Phase II.

Phase I is coming to and end and the upcoming week is recovery week.  It will be challenging because it is also Christmas week and I’ll be seeing relatives and partying… and eating. It will take a lot of will power to control myself but I will do my best.

I’m also thinking about making my own hybrid-cardio workout using P90X and P90X Plus moves. I will edit them into one awesome workout and use it as a second workout of the day. I’ll let ya know how it goes.

Till next time… Bring it!!

Nick Vujicic 49I get knocked down, but I get up again. I love that song, and there’s a good message in it. And here’s a very inspirational video about this very subject. Only a couple minutes long and well worth watching. It’s Nick Vujicic speaking about being born with no arms or legs and why it’s so important to keep getting up. 

So how does this relate to this blog post? Well, a little over a week ago I had terrible back and leg pain. I could not bend over and touch my knees without excruciating pain shooting down my back and legs. I was convinced that I had a ruptured disc in my back so I went to the doc. My doctor diagnosed me with back strain and told me to lay off of the exercise for a couple weeks.

I was right in the middle of P90X Phase 1 and could not see taking a couple weeks off and starting again. So I took 2 days off. I pushed my workout back by a couple days, took plenty of Ibuprofen and rested a bit. By the middle of the week I was doing modified workouts and making sure not to put too much strain on my back. This week I feel like a million bucks. Good as new.

So the moral is this. No matter how bad you think things are, keep trying. Keep getting up when knocked down.

This is my last week of Phase 1 before recovery week. I’m really looking forward to next week. More cardio and more Yoga. My body needs Yoga right now.

Till next time… Bring It!!

Natural treatment options for lower back painRecovering from back strain. Yep, isn’t that always the case. You’re back on track, working out, eating right, and then something comes up that can potentially throw you way off course. That’s what happened to me. But I won’t let it!

I’m not sure what the triggering event was, if there was one. But Saturday I started to feel a bit of lower back pain and by Saturday night it was extreme. When I would bend over to touch my knees the pain would radiate down the back of my legs. It was even worse on Sunday. Was it because I did KenopX on Saturday?

The pain was bad enough to wake me on Saturday and Sunday nights and cause me to lose an hour so of sleep.

I went to see the doc on Monday. He’s diagnosis is that it’s a sprain/strain and not a ruptured or herniated disc. His thinking is that because the pain is equal in but of my legs it is probably not very serious and just a strain. He prescribed Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I am using the Ibuprofen but decided to skip the Vicodin.

So I rested on Monday and did Monday’s Chest and Back workout on Tuesday after work. I modified it heavily, skipping moves like Heavy Pants and Lawnmowers. I also skipped Ab RipperX because my doc said to lay off crunches for awhile.

Today I will attempt to do PlyoX, but will modify when I need to.

I’m going to keep working out as much as I can because I HATE laying off for a weeks and then getting the damn DOMS all over again.

Hopefully I’ll be back to normal within a week or so and be able to bring the intensity once again.

Till next time… Bring it!!

kenpo world championshipsDay 7 and I’m going strong. I was off of work all last week and I really concentrated on working out and on my nutrition. I lost 3 lbs already.

I gave up coffee on Monday and had caffeine withdrawal headaches Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri. I got rid of them by working out. It worked to snuff out the headache like magic.

Today is KenpoX and I’m really looking forward to it.

One other thing that I’m thinking of doing is to create some hybrid cardio workouts from exercises used in P90X and Tony’s One on One workouts. Then I will do them as a second workout in the afternoon.

Till next time… Bring it!!

Pyramide du régime méditerranéenI’m pretty sore today, but I have done P90X enough times to know what to expect. The first week is always Hell. Lot’s of DOMS. And chopping wood yesterday probably did not help.
I held strong with my diet today. Still eating clean.
Mike French said something pretty cool to me on Twitter today. He wrote “Doug, it takes a bit of time. Make your nutrition as important as your workouts and the results happen FAST!” Awesome words!
So that’s what I am going to do. REALLY concentrate on nutrition. Make it as important as my workouts. And make them both VERY important. I’ve been in shape and I’ve been out of shape. I like being in shape sooooo much better.
So who’s with me? Let’s make nutrition AND our workouts close to the top of the priority list!
Bring it!!
Heavy LiftingWe I have managed to completely lose all of my hard earned fitness and gained a bunch of weight as well. I’ll blame it on traveling for business. My derailment started sometime around last May. I was traveling a lot, eating junk, drinking too many beers, and not exercising regularly. I gained over 20 pounds and look and feel like crap.
I have a slew of minor medical aliments all related to diet and fitness. It's time to get my life back!
I started P90X again and am eating clean.
So here it is, another round of P90X… Let’s call it a Comeback!