week 2/52 lord help meWhat a difference two weeks makes. My Doc said that my back should be better in two weeks and he was right. I feel like I’m back to 100%. I did all the P90X workouts this week and the only modification I made was to skip Ab RipperX. I felt like I should take it easy on the lower back and feared that ABX would put too much strain on it. I’ll add ABX back in when I start Phase II.

Phase I is coming to and end and the upcoming week is recovery week.  It will be challenging because it is also Christmas week and I’ll be seeing relatives and partying… and eating. It will take a lot of will power to control myself but I will do my best.

I’m also thinking about making my own hybrid-cardio workout using P90X and P90X Plus moves. I will edit them into one awesome workout and use it as a second workout of the day. I’ll let ya know how it goes.

Till next time… Bring it!!

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