P90X Round 1 COMPLETE!
Checkout the Before and After page for stats and pics.
I did not do the YogaX that I was scheduled for yesterday and postponed until today. Instead of YogaX I played with the kids in the backyard and did some cartwheels, handstands, pike pull-ups on the rings, and crane. Then I did the P90X fit test to check my progress. The fit test takes about 40 minutes including the warm up (10 min on the treadmill) so I figure I still got a good workout in.
Thoughts about the next 90 days:
My ITBS is pretty much back to normal. I have no injuries right now. It's time to REALLY bring it with a new level of intensity this next 90 days.
Summer will be a challenge but I'm up for it. It stays light later and it will be harder to go to bed and get up early to workout. I can do it!
I'm hoping to get more cardio in during the next 90 days. Maybe in the form of lawn mowing, running, water sports, Solo Training (heavy bag, kick boxing, Karate), or P90X cardio workouts as a second workout of the day. It will help the fat loss.
My hamstrings are TIGHT! I need to finish the P90X workouts with some of my own hamstring stretches.
Diet, diet, diet! Enough said. (BTW, that's diet as in "watch the food that I eat", not diet as in "restrict what I eat") ;o)
That's it until tomorrow! If you've been following along (Mom and Sis) THANKS! And thanks for all your support Mom, Dad and Sis. It helps A LOT!
OK, I'm off to print up all my log sheets for the next 90 days.