I missed a couple of days blogging about P90X so here’s a catch-up post.

Day 39 YogaX felt great. I felt much stronger this week than last. I still have some issues with some of the moves but all in all I felt good and strong. I definitely was still sore from the previous days back and Biceps workout. Was it because I did that workout later in the day and was able to workout with more intensity than usual? Or was it because I did not drink my recovery drink that day? Or both?

Day 40 – I overslept this AM and could not get up to workout. I decided to make this my rest day and to shuffle the schedule a bit to make up for it.

Day 41 – I did Legs, Back and ABX today. It was the workout that I was supposed to do yesterday. Great workout.

Day 42 – KenpoX today and WOW are my legs sore from yesterdays leg workout. OUCH! It amazes me that even after close to 5 months of P90X that the workouts still leave me sore the next day. Good stuff.

Day 43 – Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and AB RipperX. Great workout! Love this one. Left shoulder was a bit tender though. Not too sure why. I may have hurt it while lifting my 5 yr old while playing around at the pool yesterday. All in all a great workout and I REALLY BROUGHT IT today. But WHEN o WHEN will I be able to do AB RipperX completely?!? Six months of P90X is right around the corner and I still can’t do that workout perfectly. Will I ever get there? I guess it gives me something to work for.

Well, I’m all caught up now.

Till next time… Bring It!

Back, Biceps, Ab RipperX P90X workout today was GREAT! I over slept this morning and waited until after work to do my workout. I really like working out in the afternoon because I have so much more energy. I was able to REALLY bring a lot of intensity to the workout today and by the end of the workout I could barely lift my arms.

AB Ripper X… WTF?? Will I EVER be able to do this workout as designed? I have been doing it for 4 months now and still can’t do all the reps for all the exercises. MAN! What a mean workout.

Well, till next time… Bring It!

P90X PlyoX today. A fantastic workout as always. I feel like I’m almost back to the same level of fitness as before my 1 week recovery and 1 week break. Remind me to NEVER EVER do that again!

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX today. Love this one! Just wish I could actually do some one-armed push ups without cheating. Someday I will.

Till next time… Bring It!

Instead of resting today I did the KenpoX workout that I was supposed to do yesterday. Love this one, the time flew by and I had a fantastic sweat going by the time it was over. Awesome.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was P90X Legs, Back and Ab Ripper X. The usual Friday workout. There are not many exercises that I HATE in P90X, but Legs and Back has more than any other workout.

Here are the exercises that come to mind when I think about P90X exercises that I do not like.

YogaX – all the stuff during the one leg section. Also, the move where you’re in a lunge and reach behind your back and under your thigh and clasp hands. Or at least try to. Hate it. It hurts.

Legs and back – Balance lunges, Alternating side lunges, Iso toe roll and Calf raises (only because I get tired of holding the 30 lb dumbbells for the duration of the 3 exercises).

Ab Ripper X – Oblique v ups. Hate it.

Other than that I really like the rest of P90X.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X YogaX today. Wow, it’s been awhile since I last did YogaX and I feel it. I felt tight, off balance and not as strong. My legs are tight and sore from PlyoX the other day. No more time off!

Till next time… Bring It!

Well, I can still walk, that’s a good sign. I was thinking that I would not be able to walk today because of the hard PlyoX workout yesterday. I’m not feeling too bad right now and it’s been about 24 hours. I’m a bit sore but I can walk.

Today’s Back, Biceps and Ab RipperX workout was great but I lost a couple of reps. Must have been that week off.

Diet was better today.

Till next time… Bring It!

Wow! Plyo kicked my butt tonight! Remind me never to take a week of from P90X again. Ouch! I still hurt from yesterday’s Chest, Shoulders, Tris and ABX and now Plyo just about took me out. If I can walk tomorrow I’ll be very surprised. My legs were like rubber 1/4 of the way through PlyoX.

I can’t believe how much fitness I lost in a week. Bummer. And I have been eating like CRAP! I gained 6 lbs.

Time to crack down and start REALLY focusing on the diet.

Time to focus now.

Till next time… Bring It!

Great workout today but felt a little off after taking last week off. Today was Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and ABX. I feel like I lost a bit of fitness due to the lack of workouts last week.

Still can’t do any of those damn one arm push-ups. Someday. Ab RipperX felt OK. Actually better in some of the exercises than I have felt in the past.

I am still struggling with the diet. Too much garbage going in lately. And we all know that garbage in means garbage out.

No injuries to update you on, I feel very healthy. ITBS and all. A week off is not all bad, it gives your body a chance to REALLY heal.

Till next time… Bring It!

I uploaded the new P90X Before and After pics and here is a photo comparison of Day 1 vs Day 30 vs Day 60 vs Day 90 vs Day 120 

I don't see much difference this past 30 days. I must watch my diet more closely.

Day 1 of Round 2 Phase 2 starts tomorrow!

Substituted YogaX with a run again. Did 5 miles. Very humid.

Next post will be in about 1 week. Vacation time.

Till next time… Bring It!

Kicked some P90X butt tonight! Wow I love, love, love that Core Synergistics workout. That’s one thing that I look forward to during these Phase 1 recovery weeks, two days of Core! This is the second time this week that I “brought it” so hard that I was completely soaked and just this side of puking after this workout. What a killer.

Well, tomorrow is YogaX, then a rest day.. and then.. and then.. I’ll probably take the week off because I’ll be traveling and not be able to get many workouts in while gone. I’ll pick up with Phase 2 week 1 when I get back.

Till next time… Bring It!

I substituted StretchX with a run today. I set out to do about 30 minutes and got lost so I created a new run and did 4.6 miles. Check out all my training logs here.

It was a great run. It has been a long time (since starting P90X) since I have been running regularly and I’m amazed that I do not feel like I have lost any fitness. Just goes to show you how well P90X prepares you for all types of exercise. I felt like I could have run for 10 miles. And my cardio was not the limiting factor here, it was my legs. Cardio feels great lately.

I was Plurking and Twittering today and ran across this in a Tweet from one of my Tweeples. Trying to figure out how this BodyBugg thing tracks calories. Strange!

Well, till next time… Bring It!

P90X KenpoX today. Not as much intensity today as yesterday but a great workout nonetheless.

Till next time… Bring It!

P90X Round 2 Phase 1 is drawing to a close. Just 5 more days. I am really enjoying doing this second round of P90X. There is some type of gratification a person gets when they begin to feel like they are mastering something, and that’s how I am starting to feel with P90X. I don’t feel like I am mastering it in the sense that I can do all the reps for every exercise, but more in the sense that I am mastering the movements and the routines. The exercises feel more natural now. And I don’t have to watch the TV screen while I do them, I can look in the mirror and concentrate on my form and intensity. It’s a good feeling.

So I really brought the intensity during Core Synergistics today. I was absolutely soakin wet after this workout. And spent. Almost a little nauseous. I really put a lot into this workout. Felt great!

I was pretty wiped out today. I did that 4 mile run last night before bed. Then got up and did this intense Core workout, then played basketball in the drive most of the evening. Good day, but tired.

Till next time… Bring It!

Skipped YogaX today. Did a 4 mile run in the evening instead. I felt bad blowing off YogaX but the run felt great! It had been 2 weeks since I have been out for a run. Pretty much over the cold not. Small bit of the cough left.

Till next time... Bring It!

I decided to take Saturday off instead of Sunday. So today (Sunday) I did KenpoX. Great workout, lots of sweat. Next week is recovery week. My cold is just about gone. A little bit of a dry cough left over.

Till next time... Bring It!