And still going strong! I’m feeling VERY good lately and I contribute 90% of that to my nutrition and 10% to exercise. But that’s just my wild guess. I have known this for a long time but so much of fitness is diet/nutrition. I have laser like focus on my diet right now and it’s really paying off. I feel so much better and I am losing body fat.

I read a great blog post by Tony Horton (P90X guy) the other night and I think that he is on to something. He wrote about how good his life is when he is eating right and exercising. When staying on track good things seem to happen. And not just good things related to fitness. Your whole life reaps the benefits. It’s a great read. Check it out here.

That’s all for now. I need to shovel some snow!

Till next time… Bring it!!

Food PyramidYep, I’ve been a slacker! Two weeks ago was my Phase II/Phase III Recovery week. I worked out on one day that week due to travel. Then my first week back home (last week) I was all out of whack and took the whole damn week off. Ugh, why do I do this to myself? To make matters worse, I have been eating like crap.

But… I’m back on track now. Just started Phase III and I am COMITTED to eating right and keeping up with my workouts. I want to see just how much weight/body fat I can lose in the next 60 days.

However, I see one potential stumbling block on the horizon. Super Bowl Sunday. We are having some people over and I just know that I will eat and drink too much that day. I will try to lessen the damage by maintaining a 500+ calorie deficit this week and by eating very little the morning of the party.

The other thing that has me really jazzed is this application that I have been using with my new phone. The phone is a Motorolla Droid and the application is the Calorie Counter for the Fat Secret website. It makes keeping track of what I eat very easy. I love being able to scan the barcode on labels and have it automatically lookup the nutritional information. Too Cool!

Here’s my Fat Secret Profile in case you want to track me.