It always amazes me at how little it takes to knock me off track. Just two weeks ago my diet was great, I was logging every morsel I put into my mouth. I was working out twice a day a few times a week, I was keeping up with my P90X worksheets, and then it happened. I had to travel for 2 weeks. It totally took my momentum away. And just like a big bolder, once it stops rolling it is hard to get it started again.
Like I said, I am still working out. But my diet is not great. I did Day 57’s chest and back workout and felt great. As a matter of fact, it has been 2 days now and I’m still sore. And then on Day 58 I really brought it for Plyo. That was yesterday and I can barely walk today. Today was Day 59 and I did one of my favorites, Shoulders and Arms. But… I have not done Ab Ripper X in about a week and a half. :o( I have been sleeping in too late to fit it in during my morning workout. Now that the time has changed I am finding it harder to get to sleep early enough to wake up on time.
So I have to get my momentum rolling again. Unfortunately I have some more travel coming up soon and it will probably set me back again. It’s a real bummer. I often dread even going to visit family for a day or two because I know that it has a good chance of derailing me. It has happened before. I’m great if I can just stay at home and do my daily routine. I guess that is just not realistic.
I’ll continue to fight the good fight.
One thing that I have stopped doing is logging into for my morning P90X workouts. I really only did it in an attempt to win the daily prize but I recently found out that you have to be a paying member to win now. Well, you don’t HAVE to be a paying member to win. You can complete the “short” online entry form every day for a chance to win. But I’ll tell ya what, they really want to give you some incentive to be a paying member and made that form a giant pain in the butt! So I’m done with WOWY.
I’m hoping that after this next trip that I’ll be back on track. Diet and all.
On a positive note I was pleasantly surprised to see that @Tony_Horton is now following me on Twitter. How cool! You can follow me to.. @Dugrhill
Till next time… Bring it!!
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