I was traveling 2 weeks in a row, something I rarely do, and it threw me way out of whack. The first week I was in D.C. and I tried to keep up by writing my entries in MSWord with plans to later post them in my blog. Here are those entries…
3/1/09 - Day 42 This was a rest day and I did rest. Mainly because I am sick.
3/2/09 - Day 43 I did Chest and shoulders and ABX. Did it in hotel room in after noon. Skipped second workout because sick.
3/3/09 - Day 44 Was Plyometrics. Did it in the morning in hotel. Felt good and am starting to feel better. In the afternoon I did Interval Plus in hotel room. Was able to bring it 80% today. Almost back to normal.
3/4/2009 - Day 45 Today was Back and Biceps. I really hate working out with the resistance bands! I did what I could but I really don’t see how people use these things and get a decent workout in. I guess that they are better than nothing.
3/5/2009 - Day 46 – YogaX day. Skipped it and ate like crap.
3/6/2009 - Day 47 – Skipped today. Ate crap. Traveling is so hard for me. I always lose momentum and the will to eat right. I must work on this!
3/7/09 - Day 48 – Ran outside today. Great run. Ate too much garbage though.
3/8/09 - Day 49 – Took day off. Ate a TON of garbage. Again!
3/9/09 - Day 50 – Flew to Memphis today. Did Chest Shoulders Tris, abx in morning before flight. This was supposed to be a recovery week but since last week was basically a recovery week I have decided to repeat last week and not have a true recovery week. Although I will be in a hotel again this week so it’s hard to say how good of a repeat week this will be. My diet realty suffered last week. I was sick and away from home and craving carbs. I ate way too much garbage. I have decided to really crack down on my diet and get serious.
3/10/09 to 3/14/09 – Day 51 thru Day 55 –
My diet was very bad days 51 thru 54.
On Day 51I ran 3 miles on the hotel treadmill.OK, that catches my up with my posts. Time to really focus on diet this week. More traveling soon so I need to figure out a plan to better handle travel workouts and diet.
On Day 52 I did Back and Biceps in the hotel gym and had a great workout using their dumbbells. My arms were VERY sore the following day.
Day 53 I ran 4 miles on the hotel treadmill.
Day 54 I took the day off
Day 55 – Hmmm.. the day is not over yet. Diet has been spot on today. Still time to workout. KenpoX? Or run? I’ll let ya know tomorrow.
Till next time… Bring it!!
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