Day 18 was YogaX and it went pretty well. I felt stronger than last week for sure. I have been skipping the Warrior three sequence because I ended up with pretty bad ITBS from doing it but I ended up doing my best to complete the Warrior three sequence during this workout. It wasn’t too bad while doing it but the following day, today, I feel a bit tender in the spot that used to give me trouble.
Later in the day I did 4.5 miles on the treadmill.
Today is Day 19 and was Legs, Back and AbX. I had a rough night of sleep last night and I feel like I am coming down with something and had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I almost talked myself into sleeping in but my conscience got the best of me and I rolled out of bed. I was too late to do both Legs and Back as well as ABX but I’ll do ABX after work before my run. I had a great Legs and Back workout today and increased my reps on all pull-up exercises by one pull-up.
Till next time… Bring it!!
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