Day 77 was a rest day and I actually did rest and took the entire day off. I
was traveling to Florida and it
took most if the day to get here so it was a good day to rest.

Day 78 - I put my workouts on my Zune so that I could do them while at the
hotel and it worked perfectly during the Day 78 Upper Plus workout. This hotel
has a great workout space and I was able to complete this workout perfectly.
One thing that I had to modify was the ab workout. I was not able to get
Abs/Core Plus on my Zune before I left so I had to substitute it with Ab
RipperX which was already on my Zune. Later in the day I went on a nice run
along A1A.

Day 79 did not go as smoothly. This was supposed to be a Plyometrics day and
my plan was to do it in the hotel's aerobics room. It was perfect for Plyo. I
checked at the front desk and they said that I could use the room and I would
have it to myself until 9am. I got
started at 6am and got 1/2 way through
it before people started coming into the room at 7am.
Ugh. There was a 7am yoga class that
the front desk forgot about. So at least I got 1/2 way through Plyo. I finished
up with a 25 minute run along A1A.

My diet is going well. This hotel is more of a spa and has many healthy choices
on their menus.

I hope next week in D.C. goes this well.

Till next time... Eat Clean and Bring It!


I thought that I was going to have to miss this workout or run instead but due to a snag in my travel plans I was able to get it in. And by “it” I am referring to today’s KenpoX workout.

I love that workout and today did not disappoint.

Well, till next time… Bring it!

Today was Upper body Plus and Abs/Core Plus. Awesome as usual.

Later in the day I ran 5 miles.

My posts my be a far and few between over the next few days. It’s vacation time!

Till next time… Bring It!

Merry Christmas! I splurged and went off on my Clean Eating today. The Christmas dinner was great, and not too far off of my diet, but the candy and cookies I had today was way off. And I even had a Coke at the movie theater. I am starting to realize that the cookies and candy are never worth the splurge. I never feel too great after eating them. It’s just not worth it. And a quote I once heard keeps echoing in my head, it goes like this. “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” That quote is sooo true. For some reason I must learn that lesson over and over again.

Speaking of thin, I hit a new low weight today. I weighed in at 167 today. That’s a 27 pound loss from my 2008 high of 194. And it equals a 17 pound loss from just 54 days ago. I really need to check my body fat .

I ended up doing my YogaX late in the day, at about 2pm. I felt FANTANSTIC during Yoga. I really felt strong today. Then immediately following YogaX I did and 45 minute run. I hope I did enough to offset the bad I did today.

Well, my will is going to be tested over the next two weeks. I will be out of town for the majority of the next two weeks. If I come home weighing what I do now I’ll be happy. I must stick to eating good healthy food and I’d like to get in my two workouts a day for as many days as possible.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Day 72 was off to a slow start for me. I am on vacation and slept in later than usual so I ended up working out later in the day. I hate when I do that because it messes up my entire schedule. About an hour after doing the P90X Plus Interval Plus workout I shoveled the driveway for an hour. Then a couple hours after that I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill.

Today, Day 73, I woke up early and did today’s Total Body Plus workout. It went pretty well but I felt a little weak. I think that I didn’t eat enough yesterday. Later today I will get me second workout in. Probably 3 – 4 miles on the treadmill.

Till next time… Bring it!

I am on vacation this week but still woke up early and did today’s Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout. It was a great workout as usual, nothing significant to note.

I did some shoveling as a nice light midday workout.

Then later in the evening I did an easy 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.

Till next time… Bring it!!

Today was a day off from P90X so I ran 5.5 miles on the treadmill today. Felt great. I’m averaging 20 to 25 miles a week on top of P90X Plus. Bring It!!!

Day 68 was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus for me. The workout flew by and I felt great afterwards. I got my second workout in at 4:00 pm (4.5 miles on the treadmill) but took it a bit slow today. In the evening I went to a Christmas party and splurged a bit. I planned on splurging so I ate low cal and low carb all day in preparation. The things that I ate off of my diet were pasta, a piece of white flour bread, breaded chicken and one beer with 1 1/2 glasses of red wine. Oh yeah, and 4 little toffee bar desserts. I must say that I enjoyed every bite that I took.

Day 69 was Kenpo Cardio Plus and I still like KenpoX better. I ate a low carb breakfast today and a low cal lunch. I’m still making up for last night. I’m getting ready for my second workout of the day, a long treadmill run.

I don’t feel guilty about last night. I was in control. I planned for it. And from previous diets I know that I can have a splurge meal once a week and still lose weight. Right now I am averaging one splurge meal every 30 days. Not bad.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!!

Today was YogaX and I slept in a bit late. I still had time to do 1 hour of YogaX though and it felt great. I had to skip the Warrior 3 sequence, Royal Dancer and then had to cut it off all together after Plow. I am feeling really strong and fit lately.

I had a great 4.5 mile run on the treadmill as my second workout of the day.

And… I reached a new low with my weight, 170.5. YES! THAT feels good. Almost below 170. At one point in 2008 I was at 194, so I’ve lost 24 pounds!

Till next time… Eat Clean and bring It!

I rocked Total Body Plus this morning. Really awesome workout.

I have done double workouts (4 mile treadmill runs) every day for 5 days straight now and decided that I would take today off from running and do some snow shoveling instead. I miss running. That’s OK, I’ll get my fix tomorrow.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Plyometrics was the workout of the day and as many times as I have done that workout it surprises me that it is still a butt kicker. That being said I still love it!

I am feeling REALLY good lately. Is it the Clean Eating? Is it the double workouts? Is it both? Who cares. The bottom line is that I feel awesome.

Till next time… bring It!

Today I did the P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout. I felt really, really great this morning despite a lack of sleep. I expected to feel very weak this morning and was surprised when I was able to up the reps and/or weight on many exercises. It was an awesome workout.

This afternoon I did 4.5 miles on the treadmill and felt really strong during the entire run. Maybe 5 1/2 hours of sleep is all I really need.

Till next time… Bring It!

I played chef Doug yesterday and made two great Recipes. Tony Horton’s Sticky Bars and Dr. Andrew Weil’s Banana Bread. Both awesome and healthy.

Today was Kenpo Plus but I have been alternating between that and good ‘ole KenpoX and today was a KenpoX day. I really like that workout a lot and today was no exception.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

This was an interesting workout this morning. It was P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/core Plus. I felt a bit weak this morning but I concentrated on “bringing it” and was able to increase reps in a few moves and go up in weight in a couple.

And to my surprise I lost another pound today so maybe I am getting ready to break through my plateau.

Till next time, Eat Clean and Bring it!

I felt great during today’s YogaX. This is probably one of the best YogaX workouts I have ever had. I felt strong throughout. And the tight tendon in my left hand that was bothering me yesterday was fine today. Gone.

But… I can not say the same for my second workout today. I went for a treadmill run in the afternoon and my legs were dead. I plodded along at a VERY slow pace for 30 minutes and ten gave up.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Total body Plus was the workout of the day and I can’t say enough how good it feels to have worked out. My motivation was lacking a little bit this am but Tony has a knack for motivating people. Before I knew it the workout was over.

I had a LOT going on at home yesterday so I skipped my run for the day and took the afternoon off. I look forward to running later this afternoon.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Getting a good workout in is such a great way to start the day. I feel great. Today was Interval Plus and Abs/Core plus and boy was I sweaty. After my workout I was mopping up the sweat from my nice rubber workout flooring and thinking how good I have it. Many people that do P90X do not have as nice a workout space as I do. And I feel for them. I can’t imagine working out in a bedroom or carpeted family room. All that sweat going into the carpet. Yes, I know I am strange and I think of strange things.

I think that I may be at a plateau. My weight has not really moved much lately. I guess it’s time to start looking at portion control and maybe eating less carbs. Right now I am eating clean and that helped me lose a quick 13 pounds but now that may not be enough.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring It!

Recovery week is over and on to P90X Plus Phase III. Today was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. My legs still have DMOS but it’s getting better. I really wonder why P90X Plus is so light on the leg workouts. And I think that it is very mean to practically ignore legs for many weeks and then throw a Leg workout in during a recovery week. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!

I’m not too sure what was going on with my appetite this past weekend but MAN was I famished! I felt like I could eat and eat. And I did. At least I ate healthy food. It’s just that I was hungry all weekend. Maybe it was the 3 hours of shoveling this weekend? And it appears that due to eating and recovery week that I gained a pound or two.

I’ve been eating clean for 37 days now. And feeling GREAT!

Till next time, Eat Clean and Bring IT!

Today was P90X Plus YogaX. I struggled a bit during this workout today. For one, my legs were suffering from major DMOS from yesterday’s Legs and Back workout. The second issue I had today was a wrist/tendon issue. It’s my left wrist near my thumb and when in Downward Dog it hurts a lot, although it did get better 1/2 way through the workout. All in all it was a great workout.

My clean eating is going well but I still feel as if I am stuck at a plateau of sorts. My weight is not really changing much. I must keep better track of my body fat to see if it is changing.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring it!!!

Today was another P90X Plus recovery day workout, Legs and Back. P90X Plus is a little light on the legs in my opinion and that belief was proven to me today. I could tell that I have lost some strength in my legs during the past 54 days of P90X Plus. My legs were like rubber after this morning’s workout. But on the positive side, I did increase reps on many of the pull-up exercises.

I did a second workout after work yesterday and am getting ready to do a second workout again today. Four miles on the treadmill in both cases.

Also, I wrote yesterday that my weight had not changed in 4 or 5 days so I was happily surprised to see that I had dropped another pound today. Awesome! Clean Eating is paying off.

Well, till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!

Today was an interesting workout. I’m so used to doing YogaX on Thursdays and the predictability of it was getting a bit boring. So when today’s P90X Plus workout deviated from that routine with XStretch and Abs/core Plus I was happily surprised. It was a nice easy day, much easier than YogaX. After work today I will run on the treadmill for 4 miles or so.

My clean eating is going well but I’m starting to think that I’m eating too many carbs in the form of rice and potatoes. I need more fruit and veggies. My weight has not changed in 3 or 4 days and I feel that I have hit a plateau. If my weight does not start dropping soon I will have to change something soon.

Till next time… Eat Clean and Bring It!!

Today’s P90X Plus workout was Shoulders and Arms and I love that workout and had a great workout this morning. Although I am still sore from Monday’s Chest and Back workout I still felt strong and ready to hit it hard.

Not much to say today. I feel great. I just wish I was about 10 pounds lighter! Guess I’ll have to get on the treadmill after work today.

Till next time… Eat clean and Bring It!

This is this first day of P90X Plus week 8/recovery. The workout was Chest and Back and I happen to like that one a lot! It was good to spend some time with this old friend this morning. It’s been awhile since I have done this one but it still felt great. And I increased reps in some of the exercises but lost a few reps in others.

Today is day 30 of my clean eating challenge  and I feel fantastic. I’ll probably post some before and after pics later tonight. I didn’t take very detailed before pics but I think that you’ll be able to see the difference.

For the next 30 days I will do something similar but this time I will allow myself a glass of wine or a scotch every couple of days. It’s purely for the heart related benefits of course. ;o)

Finally, I thin about becoming a Beachbody coach everyday. I wont be able to put this off and one day real soon I will have to take the leap.

Till next time… Bring It!