Once again, a rest day where I chose to pass on the rest. I decided to do a 45 minute run in the treadmill instead. It felt great. I’m feeling incredibly good and getting leaner and leaner everyday. I am so grateful to my Mother and Sister for introducing me to P90X because with P90X and clean eating I am now in the best shape of my life. I feel great. And if you happen to be reading this and contemplating doing P90X… JUST DO IT!! You will not regret it.

P90X Plus recovery week next week and I’m looking forward to it. The P90X Plus program actually mixes in more of the regular P90X workouts during the Plus recovery week. I miss those good ‘ole workouts so they’re a welcome change.

Till next time… Bring It!!

Today, unlike the past 2 Saturdays, I did Kenpo Cardio Plus. I had been substituting KenpoX for Kenpo Cardio Plus for a couple of weeks now because I felt like I got a better workout doing KenpoX. But this week I decided to give Kenpo Cardio another chance and although I believe it’s a great workout, I still enjoy KenpoX much better. Maybe I’m just not coordinated enough for Kenpo Cardio, I never was very good at learning dance steps, and some of the moves in this DVD require some coordination. Like “The Gladiator” move. I don’t think I’ll ever master that one. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, I just like the original KenpoX better. It’s longer, I sweat more during it, the moves seem more applicable in the “real world” (not that I’d ever really try using them in a fight.) I just like it. So I will probably do KenpoX most of the time and occasionally do Kenpo Cardio when I get a bit bored with KenpoX.

I got a double workout in again today. About 4 miles on the treadmill. I’m feeling great but I realize that I need to watch out and not burn out by overdoing it.

Till next time… Bring it!

Wow, I must have really “brought it” during yesterday’s YogaX cause my quads are sore TO-DAY. It’s been awhile since I was sore the day after YogaX. I can feel it in my legs and abs. I must have been dogging it lately.

Well, yesterday was Thanksgiving. A splurge day for me. All in all I don’t think that I caused too much damage. I did great until noon. Ate low carb, low cals, etc. Then after noon I had some drinks (alcohol), and at 3pm I pigged out on Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, 1/2 a sweet potatoe, green beans, home made cranberry sauce and two pieces of pie. One of which was accompanied by a small serving of ice cream. An hour later I had 2 Twizzlers and a Coke. After about 4:30 or 5 I drank nothing but water and did not eat again until I went to bed.

I must say, I did feel a bit “yucky” when I woke up this morning. Not terrible, but not great. Bad food and drink may make you feel good momentarily but it makes you feel bad in the long run. I wonder how long it will take me to REALLY learn that lesson and give up this crap FOR GOOD? I’m looking forward to getting back on the clean eating challenge today.

Today was P90X Plus Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. I felt really good and increased reps on many exercises. Those extra calories from yesterday may have helped a bit. I'm looking forward to workout # 2 after work today.

Until next time… Bring it!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today marks the 200th time that I have done the P90X workouts. I started started P90X 303 calendar days ago. Not bad.

I woke up fairly early and did my YogaX workout. I felt GREAT! Stronger and more flexible that I have in a long time. I attribute this to my clean eating challenge and consistently working out. I can’t express how good I feel right now.

I will splurge today. I’m trying to lessen the impact by eating low carb this morning because I know I will be eating things like stuffing and pie later.

I also hit a new low weight today and don’t want to sabotage my success.

Well that’s about it. But before I conclude this post I must say that I am very thankful today. Thankful for my health, for my great family and friends and their health. And when I say that I am thankful for my health I want you to know that I do not take that lightly. I am so blessed that I can get up every morning and workout without pain. Many of my 40 + year old friends and family can’t do what I do. Many due to joint or back pain or lack of fitness. I love the fact that I can roll around on the ground like a child, do push-ups, pull ups, crunches, run, things our bodies were meant to do. I think about how lucky I am often. And I’m thankful to Tony Horton for sharing this life changing gift with us all. Thanks Tony!

Till next time… Bring It!

I’m now 1/2 way through P90X Plus. Woo hoo! I think I need to skip the second workout today though. I was feeling a bit off during today’s P90X Plus Total Body Plus workout. I increased reps on some exercises but fell way short on others. I think I need more calories and a night off of the treadmill. More calories will come tomorrow when I have my splurge meal Thanksgiving day. I’m on day 25 of my clean eating challenge and from the beginning I had planned on splurging on Thanksgiving day. I don’t think I’ll go crazy, and we prepare food in a pretty healthy way anyway, but I will have turkey dressing, I will have a piece of pie, and I will have a couple glasses of scotch.

I got the first newsletter from my new coach (Coach Michelle) and it’s great. She’s doing an awesome job so if you’re new to Beachbody and looking for a Coach, or have a coach that you are not happy with, contact Coach Michelle!

Till next time… Bring it!

Plyometrics was the workout of the day and it’s still a killer. According to my log I have done P90X just shy of 200 days now. Not in a row, just 200 times doing a P90X or P90X Plus workout. And even though I have done PlyoX that many times IT IS STILL a killer workout! Wow, love it.

I hope to get my second workout in after work but I have some stuff going on and may have to skip it. Sniff, sniff.

Hey, if you’ve been following along I mentioned in last Thursdays post that I was feeling like I was coming down with the cold everyone in my family had. And that I was hoping some clean eating and a little YogaX would chase the cold away. Well guess what. Last Thursday was the only day I felt cold symptoms! This reminds me of my P90X Day 44 post from March 18th of 2008 – Granny’s cure for the common cold!

Finally, I am seriously thinking of becoming a Beachbody coach. I’m just trying to get more info about it now. I’ll be ready early January but I need more information. So I’d love to hear your thoughts! If you’re a coach please tell me you experiences with it. Are you making money at it? How long did it take to make money? How hard is it to do? Do you have to solicit all your friends? Cause I hate that.

Till next time…Bring It!

I was a little off track today. I had to have blood drawn at 7:00 am for a cholesterol test and decided not to do my workout before the test. I read online that working out before a cholesterol test can raise your level by as much as 15 to 20 % for an hour or so.

So I did my scheduled Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus workout after work. It’s been awhile since I worked out in the afternoon but in the past it always seemed that I had more energy in the afternoon. Not today. I felt strong on some exercises but was a couple reps shorter than normal on others. All in all a great workout.

Yesterday I was visiting a good friend of mine that I had not seen in awhile. To my surprise he had P90X sitting on his shelf. He’s just getting started but it’s great that we will have this in common too. P90X seems to be taking the country by storm. I monitor Twitter using a service called www.tweetbeep.com , they send me an email anytime a tweet contains one of my keywords. By watching words like P90X, YogaX, KenpoX and Tony Horton I am able to see how often those words are tweeted. And they are going in popularity every day. Very cool!

More good news! I found, and was assigned, a new awesome Beachbody Coach – Coach Michelle

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was rest or X Stretch but I felt that I needed some cardio so I did 4 miles on the treadmill. Feelin good!

Till next time… Bring It!!

Today’s scheduled workout was KenpoCardio Plus but I opted for good ole KenpoX. I can’t really put my finger on it, but I really feel like I get a better workout with KenpoX. I guess I should check that out by using my heart rate monitor.

Only one workout today.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was Upper Plus and Abs/Core plus. Wow did I work up a sweat. I have been doing double workouts for the past week and I'm feeling great. I do my P90X in the AM and then a 3 to 4 mile treadmill run after work. I sweat buckets during both workouts so staying hydrated is very important right now. I am drinking about a Gallon of water a day.

Today is day 20 of the clean eating challenge and I'm still doing great. One thing that I wanted to get out there (where ever there is) is that there are 2 items that I consume that do not totally adhere to the "clean eating" guide that I have set up for myself. 1.) I do drink the Beach Body Recovery drink after almost every P90X workout. It has a lot of sugars in it but I think that the good outweighs the bad here. And 2.) I occasionally eat a protein bar as a snack. I like to eat every two hours. There are times that I don't have a moment to prepare a snack. It is at those times that I grab a protein bar. And I can use the extra protein. So that's it. Full disclosure. Those are the only things I do to stray from my clean eating challenge.

Till next time... Bring It!

YogaX was the workout for me today. I feel a little cold coming on and am hoping that Yoga has magical powers and can chase this cold away. I feel pretty good right now after working out and taking a nice long hot shower. We'll see how I am feeling later today.

The workout went well, I felt very strong. I did get my second workout in yesterday. A nice 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.

Till next time... Bring It!

I just finished today’s P90X Plus Total Body Plus workout and I am spent! That workout hit everything. Also, for 3 days this week I have gotten in a second workout in the afternoon. I have been running on the treadmill, 3 to 4 miles. I want the extra cardio to help speed the fat loss. So far so good.

And today is day 18 of my clean eating challenge. I’m still going strong and still sticking to it and feeling fantastic. Who’d have thought that you can actually wake up without coffee?

Well, till next time… Bring it!!

Plyo kicked my but today! As it does most days for that matter. Day 17 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling strong. I have lost about 8 pounds in the past 17 days.

Till Next time… Bring It!

Day 35 was a rest day but I ran on the treadmill for 3 miles. I need as much cardio as I can get right now.

Day 36 was Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. I went well, I felt good and strong. Then I went for a 4 mile run on the treadmill after work.

This is day 16 of my clean eating challenge! I’m 1/2 way to my initial 30 days! I gotta say, I am feeling FANTASTIC!

Till next time… Bring It!!

My scheduled workout was P90X Plus Kenpo Cardio but I decided to do the P90X KenpoX. For some reason I like that one better. I feel I get more of a workout in. It has been awhile since I have done that one and it really felt like it too. Today was also day 14 of my clean eating challenge and I’m still going strong. My back is still feeling 100%.

Till next time… Bring It!

Day 32 was YogaX and I actually woke up in time and was able to squeeze in the entire 90 Minute workout. It went well. My back felt at about 90 to 95% normal.

Day 33 and my back feels great. I’d say that I’m back to 100%! Woo Hoo another injury behind me, and rather quickly I might add. Today is day 13 of my clean eating challenge and I’m feeling great. I can honestly say that I have stuck to that diet 100% for the past 13 days. Although I am missing a nice cold beer now and then, I am not missing coffee, dairy, sugar, processed white and wheat flour, nor am I missing processed foods. So far so good.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today was Total Body Plus and it felt great! I felt strong but still went easy on potential back straining exercises. The good news is that I would say that my back is at about 95% and getting better each day.

YogaX tomorrow morning. Will I get up for it? OF COUSE!

Till next time… Bring It!

I had to rest on day 27 due to my sore lower back. It was supposed to be a YogaX day but I didn’t think that my back could handle it. It had been 7 days since I first strained it and this is about as bad as it’s been in the last 7 days. It needed the rest.

Day 28 was a stretch or a rest day and I chose to rest. The lower back needed me to take it easy.

Day 29 and my back was feeling much better. Maybe 75%? This was an Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus day and I took it easy on anything that had back straining potential. I even skipped a bunch of the core moves because my back couldn’t take it. After my workout I felt that I may have still gone too hard and not rested my back enough.

Today was P90X Plus day 30 and the workout was Plyometrics. I gotta say, I am feeling, really, really good today. High energy and my back is at about 90%. MUCH better. It always amazes me that the human body can repair so quickly. It seems that whenever I get an injury I just listen to my body and do what it needs/can handle. And before ya know it… I’m better! I know that not everyone is as lucky and I thank my lucky stars for this. I could have slept in today because it is a Federal holiday, Veterans Day, but my body clock got me up at 5:30. Since I was awake I decided to get up and do my usual routine even though it was a day off. Got up, worked out, took shower, feel GREAT!

Today is also day 10 on my clean eating challenge and here are some things I have noticed. My complexion is better. My energy is up. I have lost a few pounds and feel better about the way I look already. I am keeping track of my water intake and am drinking about a Gallon a day. Not forced, that’s just what I drink. I can’t say that I’m sleeping better, because I always sleep well, but my wife is sleeping better. WHAT? How can THAT be? Well, she reports that I am snoring MUCH less, and even not at all on some nights. My snoring used to keep her up so now she’s sleeping bettter. I’m not too sure what to contribute that to. The weight loss? Maybe a dairy or wheat allergy? I’m thinking that it could be the dairy.

I love the fact that I am healthy enough to go down in the basement just about everyday and bounce around like a kid and lift weights too. Not everyone is so fortunate and everyday that I have this physical freedom is a gift that should is not taken lightly. It can be taken away in an instant. Cherish everyday that you are able to workout.

Well, that’s it for now. Till next time… Bring It!

This is day 6 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling much better. More energy today. I have lost 3 pounds this week. My new clean diet is not about losing pounds but it is more about losing body fat, feeling good, and being heart healthy.

Today’s P90X Plus workout was Legs and Back. My lower back is still giving me problems so I took it easy on the exercises that put strain on the lower back. I still got a great workout in and even increased the number of reps I can do in most pull-up exercises.

I’m feeling good these past few days. I have finally been able to focus on my diet. Now as soon as my back is feeling better I will be able to go full force on my workouts again. I’m pretty good at listening to my body and only doing what it can handle so I’m hoping for a speedy return.

Till next time… Bring It!

026.365 Days (I'm Back)Today started a bit rough. My back strain, reported a few posts back, was much worse this morning. When my my alarm rang at 5am this morning I knew that I would not be able to get up and do the scheduled Ab/Core Plus and the XStretch workouts. So I reset my alarm for 7 am and slept in. I have been taking Advil all day and it still feels a bit tweaked as I write this at 3:30pm. I may try and do the XStretch after work but I will probably be better served by resting.

Today is day 5 of the clean eating challenge and I’m feeling pretty good today. Not as sluggish My body must not need caffeine anymore. I am proud of myself, I have really stuck to this so far. It’s pretty easy but just takes a bit more time during the day.

That’s all for now. Till next time… Bring It!

Day 4 of the clean eating challenge and I’m still feeling a bit sluggish. I stayed up late last night watching the election results (YEAH OBAMA!) and was very tired when I got up this morning. I feel almost like I’m coming down with something. I’m hoping it’s just the lack of sleep. I made sure that I consumed more “clean” calories than the days before and that helped my energy a little but I am still crashing mid-afternoon. I have lost a couple of pounds in the past 3 days but am really surprised that I have not lost more.

My lower back is still a problem. It was KILLING me this morning. I had to take it pretty easy this morning during the P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout. Luckily this workout is mainly upper body and no core. The combination of tweaking my lower back moving furniture, then P90X + ab/core workout the following day, and then Ab ripperX the day after that has really left my back aching. I feel OK now thanks to Advil. I hope I’m better tomorrow for the scheduled Abs/Core + and Stretch X workouts. If not I’ll have to skip th eabs/core workout.

Till next time… Bring It!

This is my third day of the clean eating challenge and so far so good. Well, at least I am still alive. I do feel a bit sluggish over the past couple days though. And I was really flat during today’s Core Synergistics workout. I was short of my old max reps on a few exercises and there we some that I could not even finish.

Part of the reason I was a bit timid in some of the exercises today was because this was a heavy core day and my lower back is feeling a little tweaked. I think I over did it while moving some very heavy furniture in and out of the garage this weekend. I took a couple Advil after this morning’s workout and feel much better.

The reason that I am feeling a bit sluggish is probably because I am not eating enough. I will try to eat more today and see if that saps me back.

Well, today is election day and it’s time for me to go vote.

Till next time… Bring It!

It felt great to get back to one of my favorite P90X workouts today, Back and Bis. That is a killer workout. P90X + week 4 is a back to good ole P90X kinda week. This has the makings to be a fun week. Many of my favorite workouts will be used this week. I’m looking forward to it.

And yesterday was my first full day on my clean eating challenge. I kept to the plan perfectly. And this morning is the second morning without coffee. No headaches and no withdrawals. Despite my huge consumption of coffee in the past, it appears like this will be an easy habit to kick.

I feel great already and know that I will feel better everyday that I “eat clean”.

Till next time… Bring It!

Today is a rest or stretch day but I may squeeze in a KenpoX workout to make up for yesterday’s missed Kenpo Cardio workout.

OK, I have had a breakthrough of sorts. I am FINALLY serious about concentrating on my diet. Yesterday I literally stumbled on a post from Tony Horton’s blog and it inspired me to get on track with my food intake. I will NEVER see the results I want until I change my diet. So here we go, for the next 30 days (except for Thanksgiving) I will be radically changing my diet.

This should be fairly easy for me. I’m an all or nothing kinda guy. You can read Tony’s post to see his outline of what he called the simple, unmodified, hard core version of the food plan.

Here is my version of his plan. I modified slightly to fit my needs. For example, his plan called for 1 cup of coffee max a day for coffee drinkers. I am going to quit coffee completely. He also suggests limiting dairy. I am going to completely eliminate dairy.

  • For the next 30 days I will not eat white bread or anything made with enriched flour or processed flour.

  • No sugary food like candy, cake, etc.

  • No Dairy foods.

  • No carbonated beverages. Beer included. Drink water and tea only.

  • At least 2 meals a day must include vegetables.

  • One meal a day, must include fruit.

  • Protein will come from - Nuts, beans, fish, turkey, and chicken.

  • For a minimum of the first 2 weeks write down everything I eat.

  • No calorie counting.

  • Eat smaller meals.

  • Eat every two hours.

  • Do not eat a couple hours before going to bed.

EDIT: Here's my official Clean Eating Challenge page.  

That’s it! Pretty easy huh?

It’s almost 2:30 pm on my first day and I am having no problem giving up coffee. I have done a great job with the diet too. I’m thinking about taking some before and after shots for this 30 days as well.

Till next time… Bring It!

I failed to do the scheduled KenpoX workout today. I had a lot going on and figured that the chores I did probably equated to KenpoX. I mowed the front and back lawn (2 hours) and then cleaned organized the garage. We have an entire bedroom set of furniture in there and moving it in and out of the garage all by myself was quite a chore.

Till next time…Bring It!

Not much to say today other than I am proud to say that I got up and worked out today. Feels great!

Till next time… Bring It!