I hit another P90X milestone today. Today was the last day of the Chest, Back and ABX. I LOVE that workout and will miss it. The next time I will see it will be week 1 of P90X Round 2. I will start Round 2 when this 90 days of P90X is done, on May 5th. My plan is to do a second round of P90X starting May 5th and ending the first week of August. The I plan on buying P90X+ (P90X Plus) and doing it for a round or two. That will take me through early February of 2009. That's the plan anyway. That will be about 365 days of P90X!
I had lots of energy today. Really brought it! Something I noticed today. When I started P90X I could only do 12 to 13 pushups using my "Perfect Pushup" pushup bars. Today I can do 30 pushups. That's just for standard pushups. All other pushups (Military, Incline, etc.) have increased dramatically as well. Heck, if I can double my number of pushups in the first 90 days, I wonder if I can double that number and do 60 pushups after another 90 days. Seems unlikely but well see. I've seen big results in all other exercises as well.
Injury update. All body parts are feeling 100% EXCEPT for the IT band. It's MUCH better than it was but not back to 100% yet. I continue to go easy on it and hope for a full recovery by the time I start round 2.
Well, that's it. Till next time... Bring It!
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