Yogi Bear Well, it’s been a while since I have made a blog post so just in case anyone is actually reading this I wanted to let you know that I am still here and still on the UY108 program. And loving it.

Today was day 36 and we celebrated with 36 Sun Salutations. Like Travis Elliot said, it’s like meditation in motion. Or something like that. I really let myself fall deep into this and got lost in it. I wanted to keep going after the 36. I was so energized by it. I look forward to 72.

I have started to notice small changes. Changes that only daily yoga practice can bring about this quickly. Little things like being able to go deeper into one legged seated hamstring stretch. But only on the left side because I am still nursing my right hamstring. And noticing that my chest is becoming more open. And being much more mindful of the present moment. Little things. But I still notice, and like it.

You may have observed that I did not mention P90X2 in this post title. I was doing P90X2 for the first 3 weeks of TUY108 but it became too much so I put P90X2 on hold. I do miss lifting weights but I want to give UY108 a chance and want to see where this wild ride leads me. I feel great. I am eating good, healthy food.

My plan is to finish UY108 and then create a crazy hybrid from YU108, Insanity, P90X2 and maybe P90X. Should be a blast.

But for now I am enjoying the UY108 ride.

I can’t promise when I will blog another update but I will try to get one up before day 73.

See you on the mat!

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