More soon…
More soon…
This workout is living up to its name. It’s a killer! I incinerated over 1100 calories in 57 minutes today doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I was soaking wet, my T shirt needed to be wrung out, and I was totally spent afterwards. I felt really strong through most of the Pure Cardio workout and I a looking forward to doing the Fit Test on Monday to see how much fitness I have gained. My gut is telling me that I have gained quite a bit.
My weight has not changed a whole lot during the past 13 days. I may be down a a couple pounds, maybe 3. That doesn’t sound like a lot but I do feel so much better physically lately. And I am liking the changes that I am starting to see in my body.
My Plantar fasciitis seems to be holding steady and maybe even getting better. I’m still going to physical therapy twice a week.
I am really looking forward to finishing this round of Insanity and then doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid workout. They should compliment each other very well. I do miss P90X and have added some pull ups and wall squats to my Insanity workouts. Those are two things I felt were lacking in Insanity. I may even throw some curls in to supplement Insanity in the next few weeks.
Till next time… Dig deep and Bring It!!
Well, that’s one full week of this Insane workout under my belt now and I love it. It is really intense, but it feels great to really push your body to new limits. I have run 4 marathons, many 1/2 marathons and miles and miles of various race distances and have never been pushed to this level of intensity. It’s an incredible workout.
The only thing that I like better about P90X are the warm up and cool down stretches. I feel like I benefit more from the P90X version of these. That, and I miss pull ups and wall squats. So I am doing pull ups every other day and adding wall squats on Thursdays.
Injury update – I’ve been going for physical therapy for my Plantar Fasciitis for 2 sessions now. The therapist does not want me doing any exercises that involve jumping but I can’t help myself and must continue to do Insanity. He gave me some stretches to do and they seem to be helping a little. It’s been worse than it is now so I will keep doing what I am doing and see what happens.
My weight loss appears to be stalled at 180. I am having a very hard time getting below 180. I have been stalled at this weight for a couple weeks now and it is frustrating because I watch my nutrition very closely. I have a splurge meal once a week and ensure that I am in a calorie deficit for the majority of the time. And this results in a calorie deficit for the week. Each and every week. I can’t imagine being more strict with my food intake, this is probably the closest I have monitored and controlled my intake ever.
One final piece of the Insanity puzzle that I am trying to put together is determining my Max hearth rate (MHR.) Depending on what formula I use my MHR ranges from 170 to 180. But I think that it is closer to 185 because that is what my heart rate monitor (HRM) shows when I am forced to stop and take a quick breather. I have seen readings on my HRM as high as 189. I hope that this is safe and my hear is not going to explode during an Insanity workout. Anyway, for now I will use 185 as my MHR. And I’ll tell you what. During Insanity I find my heart rate at the max during most of the workouts.
Till next time… Dig deep and Bring it!!
This program continues to surprise me. Yesterday kicked my but before the warm up was finished. And I thought today was going to be easy because it was only 30 mins and was labeled “Cardio Recovery.” Man was I wrong! It was a KILLER quad workout. And I didn’t realize how great of a workout it was until a couple hours after the workout was over. My legs are now weak and wobbly. And my Quads feel very worked. I know I’ll have major DOMS in the quads tomorrow.
I think that I am going to miss pull ups too much and I do not want to lose the ability to perform the reps that I have built up so I am going to add pull ups to Insanity 2 to 3 times a week.
Till next time… Dig Deep and Bring It!!
I have only one word to describe my first real Insanity workout, Plyometric Cardio Circuit… WOW!
What a Killer! I would definitely put this on par with P90X PlyoX, and maybe this was even harder than PlyoX. I can’t imagine what the rest of Insanity has in store for me. I burned 880 calories according my Heart Rate monitor and left a nice pool of sweat on the floor. Not bad for a 40 minute workout!
This afternoon I go to my first physical therapy session for my Plantar fasciitis.
Injury update tomorrow.
Till next time… Dig Deep and Bring it!
So tomorrow I start a new chapter. I am going to do the Shaun T “Insanity” workout. It’s a 60 day fat burning, cardio monster. My only concern is muscle loss. It is all cardio and body weight exercises and no weights. I hope I don’t lose any of this hard gained muscle. I know this program will get me leaner, and I need that right now, but I will so miss pull-ups and lifting weights.
I do have one more concern about Insanity, my Plantar Fasciitis. I am starting physical therapy for it this week and I hope that A.) It does not get worse due to all of the jumping around in Insanity. And B.) I hope the therapist does not ask me to stop Insanity. because I wont.
I did not take any “Before” images before I started this round but I really should take some “After” shots. And they could double as Insanity “Before” shots.
Check back soon, my plan is to post an (almost) daily review of Insanity.
Till next time… Dig deep and Bring it!!
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