Natural treatment options for lower back painRecovering from back strain. Yep, isn’t that always the case. You’re back on track, working out, eating right, and then something comes up that can potentially throw you way off course. That’s what happened to me. But I won’t let it!

I’m not sure what the triggering event was, if there was one. But Saturday I started to feel a bit of lower back pain and by Saturday night it was extreme. When I would bend over to touch my knees the pain would radiate down the back of my legs. It was even worse on Sunday. Was it because I did KenopX on Saturday?

The pain was bad enough to wake me on Saturday and Sunday nights and cause me to lose an hour so of sleep.

I went to see the doc on Monday. He’s diagnosis is that it’s a sprain/strain and not a ruptured or herniated disc. His thinking is that because the pain is equal in but of my legs it is probably not very serious and just a strain. He prescribed Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I am using the Ibuprofen but decided to skip the Vicodin.

So I rested on Monday and did Monday’s Chest and Back workout on Tuesday after work. I modified it heavily, skipping moves like Heavy Pants and Lawnmowers. I also skipped Ab RipperX because my doc said to lay off crunches for awhile.

Today I will attempt to do PlyoX, but will modify when I need to.

I’m going to keep working out as much as I can because I HATE laying off for a weeks and then getting the damn DOMS all over again.

Hopefully I’ll be back to normal within a week or so and be able to bring the intensity once again.

Till next time… Bring it!!

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