So the past two weeks I have been traveling and completely blew my diet and did not stick to my exercise routine. I feel terrible. Both mentally and physically. My gut is bloated, my face is bloated, and I gained at least 15 pounds. I’m ready for a change.
I started my new P90X/P90X + hybrid workout today. I did not get up in time for a morning workout (was I trying to sabotage my workout?) so I did it after work. Today’s workout was P90X Plus Total Body. I felt like I was going to vomit when done. I lost a few reps on most exercises, my fat belly got in my way in some exercises, I felt like crap. I so want to get back to where I was just 2 short months ago. You see, for the past 2 months I have been away from home for a total of 4 weeks. And for me that means eating like crap and not exercising for what adds up to one full month.
It’s time for a change.
And I stumbled on a great Mark Briggs post about eating, I think I’ll try some of his ideas.
Wish me luck…
Till next time… Bring It!!
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