IMG_0688Like the Energizer Bunny, I am still going. On day 12, like last week, I really didn’t want to do two yoga practices in one day so I just did one. Last week I did the P90X2 yoga and this week I did TUY Detox. I didn’t really have the mental focus that I should have had but I stuck with it and got through it.

Day 13 I did the P90X2 Balance & Power. I like that one. I can work up a good sweat doing it. It’s one of my favorites now but I have a long way to go on some of the med ball balance moves.

Day 14 I did the Mountain Pose series. I find that to be a nice relaxing practice that flies by.

During all of the workouts/practices over the past week I have had to modify many of the exercises/poses a bit in order to take it easy on my hamstring. I will see the doc about it on Monday as it is still bothering me.

No Love for BanksyOk, I am not having much love for P90X2 total body. Part of it may be my nagging right hamstring issue. I had to modify a few moves. And I am still getting used to the awkward balance moves. I feel clumsy when doing them and it takes the fun out of it. But I press on.

My UY108 (The new hash tag and abbreviation for The Ultimate Yogi program) practice today was Yin Yoga. Long stretching poses. I had to modify this quite a bit too due to my hamstring issue. I will go to the doc next week to have it looked at. Even with the modifications I still enjoyed it.

ZB21_19523302_800x533I had to brawl my way through today’s TUY Strength practice. It was almost like a hockey fight. I am not sure why I had such a hard time with it but I did. Both mentally and physically. My mind was all over the place. Everywhere but where is should have been. On the matt, with me. And physically I was a mess. I had to take child’s pose quite often.

But, I am okay with all that. As they say, it is what it is. I will not judge, I will just observe.

The other thing that added to the difficulty is that I have a nagging hamstring issue that came up almost 4 weeks ago. I pulled/strained/tore? it while playing broomball on ice. It didn’t hurt that day. I noticed it the day after. For the past 3 1/2 weeks it has just felt tight so I have been trying to heal it through stretches. Well, the stretches are not helping so I decided that I would baby it a bit. And that kind of through me off in the strength practice. I think I will go see the doc next week if I don’t see any improvement.

Till tomorrow… Bring it!

yogitoesI really enjoyed Plyocide today. Worked up a great sweat. Not much more to say.

My TUY Cardio workout was tough. I thought that I was going to have to wring out my matt after the workout. It was one of those times that the mat got so sweaty and slippery that I had to use my awesome Yogitoes towel. I love that thing.

My nutrition is still right on track. I actually sat and watched my family eat lemon meringue pie for dessert and I did not have any. It did not phase me at all. I didn’t want any. I celebrated Fat Tuesday with fresh strawberries and a bit of whipped cream.

I can eat clean with no effort for months during the Winter. And then Summer comes and knocks me off track. How do I avoid this? I have fallen into this cycle for years now.

I guess I’ll just take it one day at a time.

SmileI am very happy with today’s workouts. This is only the second time that I have done X2 Core and I love it so much more than the first time. It probably has something to do with the fact that I was sick when I did it last week. And the first time going through a workout is more of a learning experience than a real workout. But today I really brought the energy and by the time I was done I was dripping with sweat. A huge difference from last week. Loved it.

The TUY Cross Train workout flew by tonight. I feel things starting to change. Both in my body and in my mind. I can’t really put my finger on it right now so I won’t try. All I know is that I feel great and my mind feels more clear than it has in a long time.

See you tomorrow!

Mountain PoseToday marks my first 7 days straight of Yoga. Now let’s see if I can keep it going for another 101 days. The Ultimate Yogi program is 108 days of yoga.

Today was a welcomed rest. The P90X2 Recovery and Mobility was very restorative. I have only been using the foam roller for a couple days but I am already feeling the benefits. Muscles are starting to loosen.

And the TUY Mountain Pose series was nice too. Very relaxing. A nice finish to the week.

I am tracking my nutrition right now and it is a struggle for me to hit 1800 to 2000 a day. I am feeling great though.

If you noticed in past posts, I don’t like to use the word diet. It has connotations of calorie restriction, which I am definitely NOT doing. I concentrate on eating clean. Meaning, whole, natural, unprocessed foods that do not contain added sugar or salt. When I eat clean like this I actually have to work to get enough calories!

That’s it for this post. Until tomorrow… Bring it!

So Near But Yet So Far 49/366Yes! I finally got a good ole P90X2 sweat going. I loved the Balance and Power workout. This is my kind of workout, and may favorite P90X2 workout so far. I really like functional type exercise and especially love body weight moves. This DVD had them all. A fantastic core workout. I look forward to doing this one again.


I did TUY Vitality later in the evening. I like this one but wow is my chest tight. I really need this practice. And my shoulders must be super tight too. I can’t even come close to doing Eagle Arms, where you intertwine your arms together. Someday.

I think these two workouts (P90X2 Balance & Power/The Ultimate Yogi Vitality) will make Saturday one of my favorite workout days.


Foam RollerWell, once again I could not get up in time to do my morning workout. But today is P90X2 - X2 Yoga so I decided to skip TUY Detox Yoga and just do the X2 Yoga after work.

It was pretty good. I liked the pace. It kept my interest and the one hour flew by. I was not dripping with sweat when done but I did feel like I had a nice well rounded Yoga workout when done.

After my workout I went out and bought a foam roller. It is used pretty extensively in P90X2 and it looked like something that would provide me with a lot of relief. I tried it when I got home and WOW. I have some spots that definitely need some work.

My nutrition is right on track. I am feeling great.

Bring it!

Nothing can stop us ...I was up in the middle of the night last night with a bad cough and did not sleep well enough to get up in time for my morning P90X2 workout. So, I did my workouts back to back when I was done working for the day.

These workouts fit very well back to back. The TUY Yin Yoga workout is an “easy” practice where you hold deep stretches for 3 to 5 minutes. And after P90X2 Total Body I was ready for some deep stretching.

I am still letting the P90X2 workouts grow on me. Many of the balance moves feel very awkward. I understand that Tony is getting us to engage our core and other muscles while working the primary muscle, but wow is it awkward. I will go with the flow and trust Tony and let the results speak for themselves.

I have been doing great with my nutrition. No alcohol this week, no cigars, no sugar and no processed foods. I am tracking everything I eat. I feel better already.

During my post workout shower (where I do some of my best thinking) I was noticing how good I feel and that I don’t get the 2:00 sleepy time feeling in the afternoon. I know that when I eat good I feel better and have more energy. I have made this observation numerous times in my life. But for some reason I let myself slip into bad habits over and over again. These things creep up on you. Like that saying, “how do you boil a frog? Very slowly.” These bad habits, and the way they make you feel, happen so slowly that you don’t notice. Until it’s too late.

In your life and in your workouts… Bring it!

História da cama (5)I could NOT get out of bed this morning. Well, I did eventually get out of bed, just not in time to do P90X2. But I don’t feel too bad about it because I am sick, and because today was a rest day. Although you can do the recovery workout on rest days, and that is what I had planned on doing, I decided to get some needed rest. And hopefully I will feel better when it comes time to do my TUY workout this afternoon.

I really enjoyed the TUY strength workout this afternoon. I pushed it pretty hard but still had to drop into Child’s Pose a couple times. What a great workout.

PhoneSo I totally phoned that workout in today. Meaning that I half showed up for it. I am still sick and nursing a hamstring injury on my right side. I hurt it playing broomball on January 28th and it is STILL giving me grief. I am hoping that Yoga will help me get it back to normal.

I liked Plyocide but it is hard to really give it a proper evaluation because I am still learning the moves and it felt a bit awkward. I am sure that as I get into better shape again that I will be able to push harder and get a much better workout from it.

I really like the TUY Cardio, what a killer. And some great stretches too. I had to do this one pretty late in the evening because I waited till the last minute to plan for Valentine’s Day. But hey, still got the workout in. And I didn’t phone this one in. I gave it all I had, sick or not.

I feel like I am eating a lot but when you eat clean it is hard to get all the calories you need. I need to add a shake or something like that in the day.

See you on the mat!

Skater 2I felt off balance and fumbled and stumbled through the X2 Core workout. Because of that I don’t feel like I pushed as hard as I will be able to after doing it a few more times. That being said, I still felt fantastic when it was done. It felt great to get up and move. And I guess that this workout was designed to put you off balance in order to work the core.

I am still a little sick though, so it was a LOT of work to get out of bed this morning. But that too will get easier as I get back on schedule.

I am really wanting a foam roller. It looks like it would be very beneficial. I already have two sizes of balance balls but, to tell you the truth, some of the balance ball stuff seemed gimmicky. I am glad that they show alternatives.

I look forward to Plyocide tomorrow.

I just finished The Ultimate Yogi – Cross Train. I am super tight in the hamstrings. I should not have taken a week off. But it did feel really good to move and flow.

My internal focus is beginning to sharpen.

_KJO0122_20120203_105749 It has been way too long since I have been serious about working out and it’s time to change that.

I received P90X2 from my parents for Christmas and I am ready to give it a go. I am also really enjoying another program called The Ultimate Yogi that I found online.

I am going to start off by doing P90X2 in the mornings and then The Ultimate Yogi in the afternoons/evenings. I hope it is not too much, I don’t think it will be.

I am so ready. I feel like I have hit rock bottom. Which happens to me about once a year. I wish I could stop the yo-yo cycle. Maybe this will be the year that I don’t fall apart between August and February.

I will do my best to update the blog frequently. It usually helps keep me motivated.

Today is the Sunday before I start and I spent the morning reading the P90X2 material and getting the calendar ready. Tomorrow morning I will be READY!