Two days ago I started this crazy P90X/Insanity Hybrid workout. I got it from Mike French and (if I am not mistaken) it was created by his wife Tami French.
I’m really looking forward to this because I missed the P90X pull-ups and weight lifting during the last 63 days of doing Insanity. I’m ready to BRING IT!
The first day of this workout was good ‘ole P90X Chest and Back and WOW was my intensity off the charts. I feel like Insanity really amped up my intensity level. I was able to crank out quite a few more pushups than I could before. Felt great.
The second day was Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit and man-o-man am I sore from yesterday’s P90X workout. It had been awhile since I had done this Plyo Circuit workout because it falls early in the Insanity rotation. And holy cow,I forgot what a killer this workout was and how much I loved it.
Today was back to P90X Shoulders and Arms and I am still feeling the DOMS in my Chest and back big time. I am really surprised by this because Insanity has you doing a TON of push-ups so I thought my Chest would be ready for P90X. Guess I really pushed it hard the other day. This was a tough one to get through because I was so sore. But once again I could tell that I really made some great gains due to Insanity. I was able to increase reps or weights on just about every exercise.
Till next time… bring It!!